In this tab, you have access to the current MQTT client state and the ability to make remote outgoing calls to other devices.
Aura panel |
tab | 1 |
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Number formats: If the call is made via the internal protocol, enter the device logical address: - for multi-apartment entrance panels, you must specify Building No. - Unit No. - Device No. For example, 0001-01-2.
- for individual entrance panels, you must enter Building No. - Unit No. - Floor No. - Apartment No. - Device No. For example, 001-01-02-04-1.
- for indoor video entry phone (monitor), you must specify Building No. - Unit No. - Floor No. - Apartment No. For example, 0001-02-03-15.
If the call is made via P2P, enter the number in the format: sip:any number@IP address of the callee SIP client. For example, sip:3@ If the call is made via SIP, enter the number in the format: sip:callee SIP number@SIP server address. For example, |
MQTT client debug
In this section, you can get the current MQTT client state or its actions: the client is enabled, the client is successfully connected, etc. Click Start to get information, and the corresponding button to stop the process.
Aura panel |
tab | 1 |
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This feature works only if the MQTT protocol is enabled. |