T - panel with a reader (possibly without specifying its type)
E - EM-Marin reader
M - Mifare Reader
B - UKEY reader (BLE + EM-Marin + Mifare)
D - built-in IP camera in new models with old cases
L - light version, often without a camera
H - hybrid modification, to work with other analog / digital systems
K - keyboard
WR - without reader
FP - Fire Point (in case of fire)
F - Fire (in case of fire)
IC - Info Call (information)
I - inductive induction loop (for direct sound transmission to hearing aids or cochlear implants)
S - Surface (waybill)
F - Flush (Flush Mount)
C - with support for digital system Laskomex
V - with support for Vizit coordinate matrix system
R - (the most recent letter) with external inscriptions in Russian
E - (the most recent letter) with external inscriptions in English