- entering name displayed in the app;
- entering username displayed in the app;
- selection of a directory of photos (folder) where images taken during calls will be saved (e.g., photos of visitors);
- entering a concierge SIP number for a quick call when pressing a button on the app main screen;
- setting DTMF code that will sent to unblock the relay of lock #1:by default, it is a hash (#) sign or an asterisk (*);
- setting DTMF code that will sent to unblock the relay of lock #2: by default, it is a zero (0);
- enabling/disabling the feature of automatically ending a call after pressing unlock key (opening a lock) after the time specified in the field below;
- setting the end call delay time: after opening a lock, the call will be automatically ended in indicated here seconds;
- enabling/disabling displaying a video from the previously specified RTSP stream (in the field below) before answering an incoming call;
entering the RTSP stream URL that will be displayed on the screen until the incoming call is answered;
Aura panel tab 1 styles {"body":{"text":{"color":"#02070e","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"lighter","fontSize":14}},"header":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#ffffff"}},"headline":{"alignment":{"horizontal":"start"}},"base":{"border":{"bottom":false,"left":true,"right":false,"top":false,"color":"#ffab0096","width":10,"style":"solid"},"backgroundColor":{"color":"#ffffff"},"borderRadius":{"radius":4},"boxShadow":{"shadows":[{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":1,"spread":0},{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":3,"spread":1}]}}} body Example of the URL for RTSP stream:
rtsp://admin:123456@ It includes the username (admin), user password (123456), - panel IP; 8554 - number of a camera access port; ch01 - channel number.
- enabling/disabling auto-answer of all incoming calls after notification about them;
- animations: the parameter is reserved;
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