Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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44. Go to the Panel tab and fill in the Apartment settings and SIP settings parts with the following parameters and values:

  • Mode - mode: personal.;Building -
  • building: 1.;Unit -
  • unit: 1.;
  • Floor - floor: 11.;Apartment -
  • apartment: 11.;
  • Device number - 1.
  • device number: 1;
  • enable SIP;
  • proxy: sip:IP address of your Axxonsoft Intellect server, e.g., sip:;
  • realm: is the IP address of your Axxonsoft Intellect server;
  • server STUN IP address, e.g.,;
  • port of the STUN server;
  • user: 1000 - (the number you created earlier in step 25.Password - );
  • password that you created earlier in step 25.


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Aura panel
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After entering SIP settings, reboot the web page (this can take several times) and wait for the indicator in the top left corner becomes green.

45. Go to the Forward settings and add a New forward and enter: 

  • Apartment number - : 1111.
  • Forward number in format sip:intellect@ipnumber@ip_address_of_server.1002 - , where 1002 is the number of the SIP operator .192and - is the IP address of the Intellect server.
