To connect the monitor you need:
2-wire cable
Aura panel tab 1 styles {"body":{"text":{"color":"#02070e","textAlign":"left","fontWeight":"lighter","fontSize":14}},"header":{"backgroundColor":{"color":"#ffffff"}},"headline":{"alignment":{"horizontal":"start"}},"base":{"border":{"bottom":false,"left":true,"right":false,"top":false,"color":"#ffab0096","width":10,"style":"solid"},"backgroundColor":{"color":"#ffffff"},"borderRadius":{"radius":4},"boxShadow":{"shadows":[{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":1,"spread":0},{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16)","x":0,"y":1,"blur":3,"spread":1}]},"size":{"width":700}}} body
Cable length recommendations
AWG21 RVV 2x0.4 = up to 50 meters
AWG20 RVV 2x0.5 = up to 60 meters
AWG18 RVV 2x0.75 = up to 80 meters
AWG17 RVV 2x1.0 = up to 90 meters
AWG15 RVV 2x1.5 = up to 110 meters
wires must be brought for the connection of alarm loops and home automation (optional);
Here are typical connection schemes:
Table of Contents |
Wiring diagram using a two-wire switch
Wiring diagram using a two-wire converter