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Table of Contents

In the tab, you can create and manage emergency alerts that can be sent by the administrator or concierge in case of fire or other emergencies. An alert will be played on the device. 

Aura panel
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The feature is available for AQ-07LL, AZ-07LL, AU-04LA, AU-04LAF, SP-03, and SP-03F.

You can prepare alerts for different cases and manage them with the help of buttons:Image Modifiedto start playing the alert,Image Modified to stop the sound. Also, you can editImage Modifiedor deleteImage Modifiedalerts.   


How to create an emergency alert

  1. Go to the Emergency alert tab of the Communications section.

  2. Click plus icon in the left low corner.

  3. Enter the event name.

  4. Set the alert playback duration.

  5. Upload a sound file in .wav format that will be played while alerting.

  6. Select announce type depending on what device the alert will be sent to: panel, monitor, or all.

  7. Enable the open locks option when an emergency alert is triggered.

  8. Select or add a group or concrete device/s to which this alert will be applied. 

  9. Click the Save button in the left low corner when all required data will be entered.


Alerts filtering 

Also, there is a filter by alert name, device type, and status. So, you can configure a flexible data display and quick search. To do this, you need to click the Add filter button and set the necessary parameters. For some searches, results can equal your search (so to be exactly as you indicate), or contain (has) it. You can select a few parameters and choose whether the results will match all filters or any of them.


In addition, you can save your search parameters for further use by clicking the corresponding button. All saved parameters are displayed after clicking the Segments button.
