

In this tab, you have access to the monitor system settings.

Device language 

You can select the system language from the available ones:

  • English;

  • Russian;

  • Ukrainian;

  • Spanish;

  • Polish;

  • Hebrew;

  • Dutch;

  • Turkish;

  • French.

System settings

 This section is necessary for saving and further using the system settings. Here you can:

  • make a copy of the monitor settings by clicking Backup Settings;

  • download photos were taken during incoming calls by clicking Backup photo;

  • reset all settings (except the IP address) to default;

  • delete call history from the monitor Recent tab by clicking Reset records;

  • upload previously downloaded backup in case the monitor update fails. Select the required file to upload in the corresponding field and restore the settings.

Firmware upgrade 

By default, the BAS-IP server is used for updates. You have several ways to update device firmware:

  • automatically: check for software updates and if it is released, click Update Firmware. The update process will take some time and in the end, the monitor will reboot several times. If there are no updates, information about the current firmware version will be provided;

  • manually: download the necessary firmware from the webpage, click Choose file and upload the downloaded file. Click Check file and then Update. The update process will take some time and in the end, the monitor will reboot several times.

You also can use a custom server (used in closed intercom networks) for firmware updates.

The custom server must meet certain conditions for its correct work: the server must have the version.json file and the file with the necessary firmware.

The version.json file must contain information and structure as in the example:

  • firmware version;

  • name (doubles the firmware version);

  • firmware build date;

  • device type: monitor_a4 или monitor_a6. Monitor_a4 must be selected for AK-10, AK-10L, AQ-07, AQ-07L, AQ-07LA, AM-02 models. And monitor_a6 is for AK-10LP, AQ-07LP, AT-07, AT-07L, AT-07LT, AT-10, AT-10L ;

  • description of changes;

  • link to the firmware file.

Custom server
{ "version": "5.8.0", "name": "5.8.0", "date": "2021.12.02", "device_type": "monitor_a6", "description": "<ul> <li>Added missed call notification during panel viewing</li> <li>Added exporting system logs feature for debugging</li> <li>Added the ability to replace default apps with custom apps on the main screen</li> <li>Added API endpoint that provides information about read/unread announcements</li> <li>Fixed images displaying in announcement on AT-10L</li> <li>Fixed recording video bug during incoming SIP call</li> <li>Fixed a bug that occurred when trailing slash was used in Link server address</li> "url_address": "" }

How to configure custom server use for firmware updates

  1. Log in to the device web interface. By default, the username is admin and the password is 123456.

  2. Go to the System tab>Firmware upgrade section. 

  3. Enable the use of a custom server.

  4. Enter the link to the server (with version.json and firmware files) in the URL field.

  5. Submit settings.

To update firmware from a custom server, you also must check for updates and click Update Software.

User Password 

In this tab, you can change the user password. To do it: 

  1. Enter the current (previous) password.

  2. Create a new password and enter it in the appropriate field. The password can be up to 16 digits and contain all ASCII symbols (a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and a selection of punctuation marks).

  3. Confirm the new password by re-entering.

  4. Save changes.

Admin Password 

In this section, you can change the administrator password that is used to enter the web interface and monitor settings. To do it: 

  1. Enter the current (previous) password.

  2. Create a new password and enter it in the appropriate field. The password can be up to 16 digits and contain all ASCII symbols (a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and a selection of punctuation marks).

  3. Confirm the new password by re-entering.

  4. Save changes.


Here is a button for a monitor soft reset.