

Here you can add 30 000 identifiers (10 000 Face IDs and 20 000 others) or view a table with previously added ones. This table contains information about the identifier owner, its type, number, validity period, amount of available passes, and the number of lock that identifiers are allowed to open. 

There is an option for everyday automatic deletion of guest identifiers that expired a week ago.  

How to add a new identifier to a panel memory

  1. Log in to the entrance panel web interface. By default, the username is admin, and the password is 123456.

  2. Go to Access management > Identifiers.

  3. Click New Identifier.

  4. Enter all required information in the opened window:

  • apartment number

To add a new apartment, click the Plus icon and provide the required data. For details, see How to Add a New Apartment to the Device Memory guide.
Otherwise, click the Search icon to select the apartment from the list of previously added.

  • owner name 

  • owner type: Guest or Owner

  • identifier type and number

5 identifier types are available for AV-08FB and AV-08FBL:  

  • card (EM-Marin or Mifare card). In the Identifier number field, you must enter a card number in decimal format, without commas. Usually, the number is printed on the card in decimal or hexadecimal format. You can use this link to convert a value from one to another system. Also, you can bring the card to a panel reader, and the number will be displayed in this tab or Logs, from where it can be copied.   

  • UKEY allows using smartphones as identifiers (BAS-IP UKEY app is required). You must enter the identifier number in the Identifier number field. To find out the number, bring the phone to a reader and the number will be displayed in the Logs, from where it can be copied into this field.

  • face ID (available for devices with FB abbreviation) allows opening the lock by scanning visitors faces. When adding this identifier type, you must upload a vertical or horizontal user photo, that will be converted into a hash. Further, this hash will be used to verify visitors. 

  • automatically generated QR code must be downloaded from the web interface and uploaded to a mobile device for further use.

  • license plates can be added and used to open lock/s. In the License plates field, you must enter the plate number. For this identifier to work, you need an Axis camera with ALPR option for plate scanning and installed AXIS License Plate Verifier software to send a number to the panel (detailed instructions about configuration are given below). In a case of a guest ID, you can create several identifiers with one license plate number.

Identifier types for AV-08FL depend on the connected external reader and its functionality. Only, Face IDs and automatically generated QR codes are available by default.

For accurate recognition, it is necessary to import a full-face photo, where the face occupies about 80% of the space. The image must be:

  • in .jpeg format;

  • with a resolution of at least 320x240px and no more than 5120×2700px;

  • with a neutral background;

  • with a well-lit face; 

  • with real face proportions. 

  • if you need to apply some time limitations for the identifier activity, set the Time profile(s) (in the Time profiles tab)

To add a time profile, click the Plus icon and provide the required data. For details, see the How to Add a New Time Profile guide.

Otherwise, click the Search icon to select the profile from the list of previously added (optional).

  • set Period restrictions for identifier validity (optional)

  • set Passes restrictions (optional)

  • set Lock # that is allowed to open for the identifier (#1, #2 (if SH-42 is used) or both)  

  1. Confirm the information. 

If necessary, you can edit/delete added identifiers. 

How to configure License plates use as an identifier  

  1. For this identifier to work, you need an installed Axis camera with the ALPR option and Axis License Plate Verifier software. Detailed information about software and its installation can be found on the Axis website.

  2. In the AXIS License Plate Verifier, select HTTP Post protocol. 

  3. Enter the server URL that consists of the panel username and password, panel IP address, and API endpoint, where the camera will send the recognized number. For example, admin:123456@, where the username is admin, the user password is 123456, and is panel IP. 

  4. Save AXIS License Plate Verifier settings.  

  5. Open panel web interface. By default, the username is admin and the password is 123456.

  6. Go to Access management > Identifiers.

  7. Add license plate number as identifier. 

After these actions added license plate number will be recognized by the camera, and access will be provided for 10 sec.


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