

In this section, you can add integration with various products to expand server capabilities.

Currently, the only integration option accessible is with Axxon One software.

This integration is intended to use the Axxon One server and its cameras for license plate recognition and to share received from cameras data with the BAS-IP Link server for access control management.

How to add integration

  1. In the Licenses tab, ensure that you integrate with the AxxonOne server and its cameras in your license. In addition, this option is enabled for the server.

  2. Go to the General tab > the Integration section.

    general intergations-20240622-190635.png
  3. Click the plus icon in the low left corner to add the integration with the AxxonOne server. You can add as many integrations as you need.

  4. Enter the following information for the integration:

  • integration type: Axxon One

  • its name

  • AxxonOne server URL and port

  • login and password for the server

  • self-singed encryption certificate

All requirements for the Axxon One software package are described in the corresponding article.

Be aware that ports for the BAS-IP Link and the Axxon One software must not coincide.

  1. Click the Save button in the left low corner when all required data will be entered.


For a full guide for the configuration of Axxon One and BAS-IP Link server integration, go to the Axxon One configuration.

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