How to configure an elevator controller?

How to configure an elevator controller?

Before controller configuration, it must be added in the Device tab.  

  1. Open the Elevators tab of the Elevator management section.

  2. Click plus icon in the left low corner.

  3. Enter the elevator name.

  4. Select a group where it is placed.

  5. Tick send elevator controller settings on the device so that the settings data is transmitted to the controller.

  6. Select available mode: Up (an elevator moves only in the upward direction), Down (movement is only in the downward direction), Up and down (both directions are available), Access by identifier (movement only to those floors that are available for the used identifier).

  7. Select relay type: COM-NO/COM-NC.

  8. Set the time during which the relay will be switched.

  9. Set lift release time (during which relay will be closed/opened) for identifier and for API call.

  10. If necessary, enable the switching relay when turning on the device.

  11. You can see the number of available and used relays. For Up and down mode only 8 relays are available, for other modes 16 can be used.

  12. Create a list of floors and corresponding relays for a unit.

  13. To add a floor click plus icon.

  14. Enter Floor No. and Relay No. that connected to this floor at the controller.

  15. Indicate whether the floor is public or not. Users will always have access to the public floor despite their identifier settings.

  16. Select necessary apartments located on the floor (data is automatically taken from the Groups tab).

  17. Click Confirm to add the floor to the list.

  18. Click Confirm to add the controller when you enter all necessary data.

  19. Click the Save button in the left low corner.

    lift con-20221010-003159.png
  20. Open the Device settings tab of the Device management tab and find the controller.

  21. Check the correctness of settings (if they are the same as entered in the Elevators tab).

  22. Enable send on device feature to transmit entered settings to the controller.

  23. Save changes.

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