Advanced settings

Advanced settings

In the menu, you can configure the concierge call number, a ringtone, and standby mode, set the screensaver, theme, etc.

Call ringtone

Here you select a ringtone for an incoming call.

You can select a ringtone from the list of standard ones or from the monitor file system or SD card.


In this section, you can select a theme that is displayed behind all the icons on the monitor screen.

There are 2 options:

  • default theme; 

  • custom theme: you can select an image from the list of standard ones or from the monitor file system or SD card.

If you set the custom theme, you can also select the color for the weather widget, clock, and date for their better display depending on the installed theme.

Standby mode 

By setting the timeout in the section, you specify after what time the monitor will turn this mode on.

You can configure various screensavers for standby mode as described further.


When setting the standby mode, you can enable/disable the display of announcements or ads in the mode. For the feature to work, you must:

  1. Enable an announcement display.

  2. Enter a link to the announcement (it can be either an RTSP stream or a web page).

  3. Set a timeout (period of time) for displaying.

  4. Save settings.


In addition to an announcement, you can set other screensavers (clock, photo frame, IP cameras) for standby mode: 

  1. Enable the screensaver for standby mode.

  2. Select the desired type and enter the required data. 

Screensaver types: 

  • clock. For the Clock screensaver, you must set the time after which it will be turned off; 

  • a photo frame mode is a display of selected photos. For this screensaver you must:

    • enable/disable the clock display in photo frame mode;

    • select a folder in the file system where the photos for display are located;

    • set the time after which the screensaver will be turned off.

  • IP camera mode is a display of one or several cameras RTSP stream. There are 3 variants: 

    • single camera display. You must select one IP camera (from the previously added ones) for its stream display and set the screensaver off time;

    • in the tour mode selected IP cameras streams are displayed one by one. So, you must select cameras (from the previously added ones) for display, set the time interval for switching between cameras, and the screensaver off time;

    • in the quad splitter mode, streams from 4 cameras are displayed at once (mode is available for all monitors except AQ-07LA). Accordingly, you must select 4 cameras for broadcasting and set the screensaver off time
      You must specify the RTSP links of the additional camera stream with a resolution of no more than 1280x720 for the correct display.

  1. Save settings. 

Service references 

In this menu, you can enter links that will be opened by pressing the corresponding buttons in the Services menu.


The monitor supports several different widgets. One of them is the weather widget, the setting of which consists of:

  • wind speed units indication: km/h or m/h;

  • temperature units indication: °C or °F;

  • enabling/disabling automatic city detection by IP address (if you have access to the Internet) for the weather display;

  • entering the city for the weather display.

Custom widget

In addition to the weather widget, the monitor supports third-party application widgets that you can choose in this section. To display the selected widgets on the main screen, you must:

  1. Enable the custom widget feature.

  2. Press From the list button and select the desired widget from the available.

If you select the Calls option, all numbers added to the Contacts will be shown on the main screen (instead of Calls, Messages, Entrance panel monitoring, and IP camera viewing menus). 

To turn off the widget display, enable the feature in the Custom widget section.

Firmware updates 

The firmware update can be done both automatically and manually. In the section you can:

  • enable/disable notifications about new updates (updates are checked once a day);

  • enable/disable the use of a custom update server and specify its IP address or domain (used in closed intercom networks);

  • сheck for updates and install them.

To update firmware automatically, press сheck for software updates and if it is released, press Update Firmware. The process will take some time and in the end, the monitor will reboot several times.

You also can enable and enter a custom server URL (used in closed intercom networks) for firmware updates.

The custom server must meet certain conditions for its correct work: the server must have the version.json file and the file with the necessary firmware.

The version.json file must contain information and structure as in the example:

  • firmware version;

  • name (doubles the firmware version);

  • firmware build date;

  • device type: monitor_a4 или monitor_a6. Monitor_a4 must be selected for AK-10, AK-10L, AQ-07, AQ-07L, AQ-07LA, AM-02 models. And monitor_a6 is for AK-10LP, AQ-07LP, AT-07, AT-07L, AT-07LT, AT-10, AT-10L ;

  • description of changes;

  • link to the firmware file.

Custom server

{ "version": "5.8.0", "name": "5.8.0", "date": "2021.12.02", "device_type": "monitor_a6", "description": "<ul> <li>Added missed call notification during panel viewing</li> <li>Added exporting system logs feature for debugging</li> <li>Added the ability to replace default apps with custom apps on the main screen</li> <li>Added API endpoint that provides information about read/unread announcements</li> <li>Fixed images displaying in announcement on AT-10L</li> <li>Fixed recording video bug during incoming SIP call</li> <li>Fixed a bug that occurred when trailing slash was used in Link server address</li> "url_address": "" }

Also, you can update firmware via the web interface and SD card. 

How to install an update from an SD card

  1. Download the required firmware from the webpage to one of the folders on the SD card.

  2. On the page for updates checking, press the 3 dots in the upper right corner.

  3. Press Install from the SD card.

  4. Select the previously downloaded file and click OK.

The process will take some time and in the end, the monitor will reboot several times.


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