Configuration via the panel web interface

Configuration via the panel web interface

For SH-12 to work correctly, you must configure it in the web interface of the panel the module is connected to. In the Wiegand controller section (Access management tab), you can manage Wiegand input and output. 

The Wiegand input is used for a panel integration with an external controller and receiving values from the controller. To configure the input, complete the following steps:

  1. Enable the input operation.

  2. Select the preferred Wiegand type (the length of the received data).

  3. Submit settings.

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The Wiegand output is used for a panel integration with an external controller and sending identifiers received by the panel to the controller. To configure the output, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Enable the output operation.

  2. Select the output operation mode:

  • duplicate: a panel decides whether to grant access or not and simply copies identifier values to an external controller.

  • external access control: a panel only reads and sends identifier values to an external controller that decides whether to grant access or not.

  1. Set the preferred Wiegand type (the length of the shared data).

  2. Select the data type that the panel must send via the Wiegand output:

  • QR codes

  • face IDs (available panels with FB letters in the name)

  • access codes (available for panels with keyboard)

  • identifies received by an internal reader

  • identifies received by an external reader (connected to the Wiegand input)

The list of available data types depends on the panel model. Not all devices support simultaneous input and output operation, please contact technical support for details.

  1. Submit settings.

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