
In the section, you can set active time schedules for devices and/or users. For schedule correct functioning, it must be applied to access restriction (to link devices and users). With the help ofandbuttons, you can edit or delete created schedules.   

How to add a new schedule 

  1. Go to the Schedules tab of the Access management section.

  2. Click plus icon in the left low corner.

  3. Enter the schedule name.

  4. Add a description, if required. 

  5. Set the time when the schedule must work:

  • enable all day and only the date (day/month/year) of the beginning and end of this schedule functioning;

  • if the All day option is disabled, specify the date (day/month/year) and set the start and end time of this schedule functioning.  

  1. If required, indicate the frequency of repetitions: 

  • never: the schedule will function only on the indicated date;

  • daily: the schedule will be active every day for a specified time period. For example, the identifier will work every day from 9:00-18:00 (if you set a day and time);

  • weekly: the schedule will work on the specified days and hours, e.g., every Tuesday (if you select an all-day option and set a date);

  • every 2 weeks: the schedule will repeat every two weeks on the specified day/s. For example, if you create a schedule that works from Monday to Wednesday, then it will be active from Monday to Wednesday with 2 weeks intervals;

  • monthly: the schedule will be active every month, e.g., every 15th day of the month;

  • yearly: the schedule will repeat every year, e.g., every 15th of December;

  • set up: the schedule will be active on indicated dates, days, and months: 

    • daily: the schedule will be active every day for a specified time period. In Every field, you can indicate after how many days the schedule will be activated again, e.g., every 5th day;

    • weekly: you can configure schedule repetition on specific days of the week. In Every field, you can indicate after how many weeks the schedule will be activated again. According to the screen, it will work on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays every 15 weeks;

    • monthly: you can configure schedule repetition on specific dates each month. According to the screen, the schedule will work from 9:00-19:00 every 1st, 7th, 14th, and 21st day of the month. In Every field, you can indicate after how many months the restriction will be activated again, e.g., every 7th month;

      Also, it is available to configure repetition every month on the first/second/third/fourth/fifth/last specific day of the week, e.g., on the first Tuesday of every month. According to the following image, the schedule will work from 9:00-19:00 every last working day of every 7th month.

    • yearly: you can configure repetition in a specific month of the year. In Every field, you can indicate after how many years the schedule will be activated again, e.g., every 3 years. According to the screen, the schedule will work from 9:00-19:00 every 15th of January, June, and December with 2 years frequency;

      Also, it is available tо configure repetition every year on weekdays (the option must be enabled): the first/second/third/fourth/fifth/last specific weekday of chosen months, e.g., the first Tuesday of January. According to the following image, the schedule will work from 9:00-19:00 every first Saturday of January, June, and December with a 2 years frequency;

7. Set the repeat duration of the schedule:  

  • always: the schedule will infinitely repeat;

  • until: it will be active until the indicated date. 

8. Select or add new access restrictions to link schedules, devices, and users.

9. Click the Save buttons in the left low corner.  

Schedules filtering 

Also, there is a filter by ID No., name, and valid time. So, you can configure a flexible data display and quick search. To do this, you need to click the Add filter button and set the necessary parameters. For some searches, results can equal your search (so to be exactly as you indicate), they can be less or great than your parameter, or contain (has) it, e.g. search less than indicated ID will display numbers before it. You can select a few parameters and choose whether the results will match all filters or any of them.

In addition, you can save your search parameters for further use by clicking the corresponding button. All saved parameters are displayed after clicking the Segments button.