- Type: RTSP
- IP address: rtsp://admin:123456@ - IP address of your BAS-IP device - Port: 8554
- Name: admin
- Password: 123456
9. Right-click on Video capture device to open the menu, and select Create object and Camera.
10. Right
. Right-click on LOCALHOST to open the menu, and select Create object and Video capture device again with next parameters.
- Type: SIP
- IP addres of your BAS-IP device
- Port: 5060
. Right-click on Video capture device to open the menu, and select Create object and Sensor, it automaticaly fill parametes.
. Right-click on LOCALHOST to open the menu, and select Create object and Audio card.
11. Type Name for the Audio card and press Apply.
12. Selecr Board: IpCam RTSP
13. Right-click on Audio card to open the menu, and select Create object and Microphone.
14. Selecr Channel: IpCam RTSP
. Right-click on Audio card to open the menu, and select Create object and Microphone again, and set up parameters.
. In the same way as described in steps 10 - 14 create Audio card and Microphone for operator
16. Right-click on LOCALHOST to open the menu, and select Create object and and Intercom Subsystem.