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Features of Working with Identifiers

If an apartment has multiple identifiers configured (e.g., a QR code and a card), their behavior is as follows:

  • When using a specific identifier directly (e.g., scanning a QR code or tapping a card), the elevator grants access to the floor associated with that identifier.

  • When calling the apartment (e.g., to a monitor inside), the panel

will send
  • always sends the first identifier in the list to the elevator.

  • The elevator grants access based on the

elevator settings, these identifiers may have different permissions. For example:
  • A QR code allows travel permissions of this identifier.

If an apartment has a QR code (first in the list, allows access to the 5th floor

.A card allows travel

) and a card (second, allows access to the 10th floor


):When the user opens the door using a QR code, the elevator arrives at the panel's floor and activates the buttons for

  • Scanning the QR code grants access to the 5th floor

and public floors
  • .

  • Using the

user uses a card, the elevator arrives at the panel's floor and activates the buttons for the 10th floor and public floors
  • card grants access to the 10th floor.

  • Calling the apartment grants access to the 5th floor, as it uses the first identifier in the list.

Configuration Steps

In this example, the two-step mode setup is described using an identifier not linked to an apartment. This approach can be useful for testing or specific scenarios. For the correct operation of the feature in real-world conditions, it is recommended to follow the settings provided in the 'Conditions for Proper Operation of the Two-Step Mode' section.

Step 1. Configuring the Panel and Elevator Controller


The two-step mode works only when this setting is applied.

  1. Configure all necessary parameters in the Device settings window according to your system requirements.

  2. Click Submit to save the changes.


  1. Go to the Floors and Ports Settings window.


To configure EVRC ports according to your setup, you can view an example schematic here.

  1. Click ADD to add a new floor.


  1. In the newly opened window, specify the floor name in the Name field.

  2. If the floor is public (e.g., Ground Floor), check the Public checkbox. If a panel is installed on the floor, check the Panel installation floor checkbox.


You cannot activate both checkboxes simultaneously for the same floor, as the 'public' feature and the 'panel installation floor' feature have different purposes and cannot be used together.

Case: Panel installed on the public floor (e.g., Ground Floor): If a panel is installed on the public floor, which is both a public area and the panel installation floor, you must configure the system as follows:

  1. Add the floor twice:

    • First, create a floor with the Panel installation floor checkbox enabled.

    • Second, create another floor with the Public checkbox enabled.

  2. Assign a unique port (relay) to each floor according to your connection scheme. The same port cannot be used for multiple floors.

  1. Specify the floor number in the Floor field. Each floor must have a unique number.

  2. In the Ports field, select the port (relay) associated with this floor. This field is mandatory.


A single port can only be linked to one floor. Using the same port for multiple floors is not allowed.

  1. In the Apartments field, add the apartment numbers linked to this floor. If the floor is public or has a panel, leave this field empty.

Adding apartment numbers in this field requires manual input. Place the cursor in the field, type the apartment number on the keyboard, and press "Enter".

  1. Click CONFIRM to save the floor.


  1. Repeat the same process for other floors, adding them using the same principles.

  2. Click Submit to save the changes.

Step 2. Configuring Two-Step Mode Functions
