

In this tab, you have access to the apartments, floors, ports, and device settings.


Apartment Settings 

For all devices from the network (panels, monitors) correct connection and functioning, you must enter the following parameters for the controller: 

  • Building number where the controller is installed (1-9999);

  • Unit number where the controller is installed (0-99);

  • Device number. Be careful, the numbering starts from 10 (and it stands for device No. 1) and ends with 100 000.

Device settings 

In this part, you can set and configure controller operation mode. 5 modes are available: 

  • Call up/down mode allows moving in both directions (up/down). Users can call the elevator from the monitor (to the floor where the monitor is installed) or from the Link app (to the floor where the apartment is) with the help of up and down calling buttons. 8 ports are available for upward movement in this mode, and 8 ports for downward movement.

Monitor elevator menu

Link app elevator menu 

Monitor elevator menu

Link app elevator menu 


You also can allow broadcasts processes in the up-down mode and expand its possibilities. This feature enables:

  • to call the elevator to the floor where the panel is installed when bringing the identifier to the panel (monitor and panel should have the settings as shown further);

  • to call the elevator up from the monitor by pressing only the Permit button (the monitor should have the settings as shown further). The elevator will be called to the floor where the monitor is installed;

  • to call the elevator from the monitor during the talk between the monitor and the panel (monitor and panel should have the settings as shown further). If you hold lock Key 1/Key 2, the elevator call button will appear. The elevator will be called to the floor where the panel is installed to move up/down;

  • Call down mode stands for only down moving. Users can call the elevator from the monitor (to the floor where the monitor is installed) or from the Link app (to the floor where the apartment is) with the help of a down calling button. 16 ports are available for downward movement.

You also can allow broadcasts processes in the down mode and expand its possibilities. This feature enables:

  • to call the elevator to the floor where the panel is installed when bringing the identifier to the panel (monitor and panel should have the settings as shown further);

  • to call the elevator up from the monitor by pressing only the Permit button (the monitor should have the settings as shown further). The elevator will be called to the floor where the monitor is installed to move down;

  • to call the elevator from the monitor during the talk between the monitor and the panel (monitor and panel should have the settings as shown further). If you press Key 1/Key 2 and open the lock, the elevator call button will appear. The elevator will be called to the floor where the panel is installed to move down.


  • Call up mode stands for only up moving. Users can call the elevator from the monitor (to the floor where the monitor is installed) or from the Link app (to the floor where the apartment is) with the help of a up calling button. 16 ports are available for upward movement.

 You also can allow broadcasts processes in the up mode and expand its possibilities. This feature enables:

  • to call the elevator to the floor where the panel is installed when bringing the identifier to the panel (monitor and panel should have the settings as shown further);

  • to call the elevator up from the monitor by pressing only the Permit button (the monitor should have the settings as shown further). The elevator will be called to the floor where the monitor is installed to move up.

  • to call the elevator from the monitor during the talk between the monitor and the panel (monitor and panel should have the settings as shown further). If you press Key 1/Key 2 and open the lock, the elevator call button will appear. The elevator will be called to the floor where the panel is installed to move up.

How to configure Call up/down, Call up, Call down modes 

  1. Log in to the device web interface. By default, the username is admin and the password is 123456.

  2. Go to the Device tab > Device settings section.

  3. Set the necessary mode.

  4. Click allow broadcasts processes in mode, if you need to expand functionality.

  5. Select the appropriate relay mode (COM-NO/COM-NC).

  6. If necessary, enable Switch when turning on device feature. With this feature operating, device relays will be switched when the controller is powered on. So, if the BAS-IP controller is without power, access and control of the elevator will be provided directly through the controller of the elevator manufacturer.

  7. Set open time (in msec.) during which the elevator ports will be closed/open (depending on relay type).

  8. If necessary, set relay action time (in msec.) during which the elevator ports will be closed/open (depending on relay type) if the lock is open via API.

  9. If necessary, set relay action time (in msec.) during which the elevator ports will be closed/open (depending on relay type) if the lock is open with an identifier.

  10. Submit settings.


  • Auto call when opening the lock mode calls an elevator every time the lock is open (from the monitor, Link app, bringing the identifier to the panel) and can be used for such specific cases.

  • Access control manual mode allows moving only to floors that are available for the applied identifier. 16 ports are available for movement. This mode is recommended to use in combination with another module with Up-down, Up, or Down modes. Floor restrictions you can configure in the Access management tab. 

How to configure Access control manual modes 

  1. Log in to the device web interface. By default, the username is admin and the password is 123456.

  2. Go to the Device tab > Device settings section.

  3. Set the necessary mode.

  4. Select the appropriate relay mode (COM-NO/COM-NC).

  5. If necessary, enable Switch when turning on device feature. With this feature operating, device relays will be switched when the controller is powered on. So, if the BAS-IP controller is without power, access and control of the elevator will be provided directly through the controller of the elevator manufacturer.

  6. Set open time (in msec.) during which the elevator ports will be closed/open (depending on relay type).

  7. If necessary, set relay action time (in msec.) during which the elevator ports will be closed/open (depending on relay type) if the lock is open via API.

  8. If necessary, set relay action time (in msec.) during which the elevator ports will be closed/open (depending on relay type) if the lock is open with an identifier.

  9. Submit settings.


First of all, devices must be in one network and have the same logical address (Building No., Unit No., etc.).  

Monitor (indoor video entry phone) configuration for correct operation with an elevator controller

Also, in the Advanced tab of a monitor web interface, you must add a module by entering its device number and any name. 


Entrance panel configuration for correct operation with an elevator controller

In the Access management tab (in the panel web interface), you must enter the floor number where the panel is installed (for calling the elevator to this floor is brought to the panel). Also, if you allow broadcasts processes in mode, necessary features (send the elevator to the specified floor using the identifier and/or send the elevator to the specified floor when the lock is opened from the monitor) must be enabled for the panel. 

Device ports state 

In this section, you can check and test each port of the elevator controller. There is an opportunity to open/close the port remotely by choosing the relay state and set the open time (in msec.) during which the relay will be closed/open. After selecting the status and setting the time, click Submit to apply settings.  

Floors and ports settings 

This section configures floor settings and links floor logical addresses with the required port. 

How to add floor and link it with port/s

  1. Log in to the device web interface. By default, the username is admin and the password is 123456.

  2. Go to the Device tab > Floors and ports section.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Enter all required data:

    • Elevator name;

    • Port No. (from 8 or 16) that connected to this floor at the controller. You can select more than 1 port, if necessary. 

    • Floor No.; 

    • Numbers of apartments that are on this floor. This information is important if you want to configure access to the floor for apartments that are located on it only;

    • Whether the floor is public or not. If it is public, users will always have access to it despite their identifier settings (whether users have access to the floor or not); 

  5. Click Confirm

  6. Submit settings to save data.

As a result, you will have a table with information about the number of added floors, their names, the numbers of apartments that are on the exact floor, whether the floor is public or private, and the number/s of ports that are linked with the floor.  If necessary, you can edit the informationin table or deleteone or more entries. 

Configuring Two-Step Mode for EVRC-IP

Two-Step Mode is a new functionality of EVRC-IP designed to enhance the security and convenience of elevator usage. It enables automatic elevator calls to a designated floor and manages access to other floors based on identifiers. This mode allows precise control over movement within the building, making the system more flexible and reliable.

Key Features of the Two-Step Mode

  1. Automatic Elevator Call
    When a user interacts with the system (e.g., unlocking a door via the monitor or Link app), the elevator is automatically called to a designated floor where the panel or access point is located.

  2. Floor Access Restriction
    Inside the elevator cabin, only the buttons for authorized floors are activated based on the user's identifier (card, code, UKEY). This prevents unauthorized access to restricted floors.

  3. Flexible Configuration
    Administrators can set individual access parameters for residents, guests, and other user groups, including time-based restrictions or limits on the number of accesses.

Benefits of the Mode

  • Enhanced Security: Prevents unauthorized access and ensures precise control of movement within the building.

  • Ease of Use: Minimizes user actions through automated elevator calls.

  • Flexible Configuration: Suitable for various use cases, including complex facilities with multiple access points and user types.

Conditions for Proper Operation of the Two-Step Mode

To ensure the two-step mode functions correctly in all scenarios (e.g., opening the door via the Link App, using a QR code, card, or monitor), the following settings must be configured:

  1. The apartment must be added to the panel. This links user actions to specific premises and allows for identifying their access rights.

Adding an Apartment:

  1. Go to the Apartments section and click the green New Apartment button.

  1. In the window that opens, enter all the necessary information to define your apartment's location, then click Confirm to save the apartment.


  1. A forward associated with the apartment must be configured in the panel. The forward ensures the transmission of identifier data and its linkage to the apartment.


Adding a Forward:

  1. Go to the Forward section and click the green New Forward button.

  1. In the window that opens, enter the apartment number and the forward number, then click Confirm to save and add the forwarding configuration.

  1. An identifier linked to the apartment must be configured in the system. This identifier defines permissions for elevator operations, including access to specific floors.

Adding an identifier:

  1. Go to the panel settings.

  2. Open the Access management section.

  3. Navigate to the Identifiers subsection.