Amenities are shared spaces that can be booked by residents for a specific date and time. Administrators define available spaces, set access restrictions, and configure time slots. Users can book these spaces and view images and terms of use uploaded by administrators.
Adding amenity
Go to the Amenities tab under the Amenities reservation section.
Click the plus icon in the lower-right corner to add a new amenity.
In the window that opens, enter the amenity’s name in the Name field, add a description in the Description field, and provide the address in the Address field.
Specify the Minimum number of persons allowed to access the amenity at the same time, and set the Maximum number of persons that can use it.
In the Groups section, add the groups whose users will have access to reserve the amenity.
In the Access restrictions section, add or create access rules; the specified devices will be used to control access to the amenity.
In the Time slots section, set the duration for each reservation and click Add time slot to specify the available time periods for bookings.
Multiple time slots can be selected however you need to make sure they don’t overlap otherwise you will receive the error message.
In the Files section, upload an image of the amenity and a Terms of Use PDF file if needed.
After entering all the necessary details, click the Save button in the lower-right corner to save the new amenity.
After saving the new amenity, you will return to the page with the list of available Amenities. Each amenity will be displayed as a card with its name and image.
To view and manage reservations, click the View Reservations button on the amenity card. Here you can see all current and upcoming reservations for the amenity.
Next to the View Reservations button on the amenity card, there are three vertical dots. Clicking them opens the following options:
View — Opens the page with the details and settings of the amenity, where you can view or edit its information.
Delete — Deletes the amenity from the list of available amenities.
Amenity reservations
After clicking the View Reservations button, the Amenity reservations page will open, allowing you to manage and view all current reservations for the selected amenity. The page provides detailed information about each reservation in a tabular format, making it easier to track and manage them. The main elements of the page are:
You can filter the reservation list by using the Add Filter button. This allows you to narrow down reservations based on specific criteria such as time, date, user, or status.
The current selected amenity is displayed at the top, marked by a colored label (e.g., AMENITY IS GYM). You can clear this selection using the
next to the label .
Table Columns:
Amenity: Shows the name of the booked amenity.
User: Displays the email or username of the person who made the reservation.
Reservation: Specifies the date and time of the reservation.
Number of persons: Indicates the number of people attending the reservation.
Status: Displays the current status of the reservation (e.g., "Reserved").
Created at: Shows the date and time when the reservation was created.
Rows per page:
At the bottom of the table, you can adjust how many reservation entries you want to see per page using the Rows per page dropdown.
Action Icons:
On the right side of each reservation entry, there are two icons:
Key icon
opens the Edit identifier page, where you can modify the identifier settings for the reservation. This includes adjusting the QR code, validity period, access restrictions, and other details related to access control for the selected amenity.Pencil icon
opens the Edit amenity reservation page, where you can modify the reservation details. This includes changing the date, number of persons, and time slot of the reservation. You can also cancel the reservation from this page.
Save Options:
You can save filtered views or the current state of the reservation table by clicking the Save As button. This helps create customized views for easier access in the future.
At the bottom right, you can navigate between pages of reservations using the pagination controls (e.g., arrows to move between pages).