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In this tab, you can back up or restore panel settings, export/import data, update software, change language, reboot the device, etc.


In this section, you can back up all web interface settings (except network settings) by clicking the Backup whole settings button. If necessary, you can select the downloaded file and restore the settings (the feature works only if the firmware version of uploaded settings is the same as the current panel version). You can also reset the device to the default settings by clicking the corresponding button.

Export/Import data 

If necessary, you can export or import data from the Apartments, Forward, Identifiers, and Access Restrictions tabs. To export, you must click Download and a ZIP archive with tables will be saved on your computer.

Data import is used to copy the exported information to other panels. To do this, choose ZIP archive and click Confirm.

When importing data into the panel, all current data in the Apartments, Forward, Identifiers, and Access Restrictions tabs will be deleted and replaced with new (importing) information without the possibility of restoring.

Import of incorrect format data will cause the panel malfunctioning.

Clear data 

In this section, you can delete data about one or more categories: Apartments, Identifiers, Time profiles, Forward queues, and Logs. To clear data, select category/ies and click Delete. As a result, the data will be irrevocably deleted.

clear data-20240215-182616.png

Device language

9 device languages are available for setting:

  • English;

  • Russian;

  • Ukrainian;

  • Spanish;

  • Polish;

  • Dutch;

  • Turkish;

  • French;

  • Danish.

Firmware upgrade 

By default, the BAS-IP server is used for updates. You have several ways to update panel firmware:

Before each software update, make a panel settings backup copy, so that in case of an update error, you can always restore the previous settings.

  • automatically: check for software updates and if it is released, click Update Firmware. The update process will take some time and in the end, the panel will reboot. If there are no updates, information about the current firmware version will be provided;

  • manually: download the necessary firmware from the webpage, click Choose file, and upload the downloaded file. Click Update Firmware and wait for the process to complete (in the end the panel will reboot);

You can also use a custom server (in closed intercom networks) for firmware updates.

The custom server must meet certain conditions for its correct work: the server must have the version.json file and the file with the necessary firmware.

The version.json file must contain information and structure as in the example:

  • firmware version;

  • name (doubles the firmware version);

  • firmware build date;

  • device type (panel version): panel_v4 is a standard value for all panels;

  • description of changes;

  • link to the firmware file.

"version": "3.13.0",
"name": "3.13.0",
"date": "2021.12.02",
"device_type": "panel_v4",
"description": "<ul>
<li>Added screen brightness setting</li>
<li>Added custom concierge name feature on the conversation screen</li>
<li>Fixed problem with updating firmware via web interface</li>
<li>Fixed problem with displaying messages in the web interface of AA-14FB</li>
<li>Fixed problem with sorting in the contact book</li>
<li>The maximum number of digits in the access code has been increased from eight to ten</li>
<li>Fixed search for apartments in the identifier menu</li>
<li>Fixed problem with internal calls when SIP settings are enabled, but there is no access to the SIP server</li>
<li>Added port option to SIP proxy settings and forward numbers</li>
<li>Added horizontal scrolling in the contact book</li>
<li>Added support for AA-07FBV2M and AA-07FBC2M models</li>
<li>Added support for external temperature sensor</li>
<li>Minor fixes</li>
<li>The new version of the API is available via <a href= link</a></li>
"url_address": ""

How to configure custom server use for firmware updates

  1. Log in to the device web interface. By default, the username is admin and the password is 123456.

  2. Go to the System tab>Software upgrade section. 

  3. Enable the Use of a custom server.

  4. Enter the link to the server (with version.json and firmware files) in the Custom server field.

  5. Submit settings.

To update firmware from a custom server, you also must check for updates and click Update Software.


The section contains a button for panel soft reset.

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