the automatically generated QR code. Enable the Download QR code option and after saving the identifier, it will be saved to the computer. Then it must be uploaded to a mobile device for further use.
license plates can be added and used to open lock/s. In the Identifier field, you enter the plate number. For this identifier to work, you need a corresponding Link license and Hikvision, AxxonOne, or Axis camera with an ALPR option. Also, for Axis, you need their license for correct camera functioning.
If necessary, enable and set restriction period restrictions for identifier validity.
If necessary, enable and set the maximum number of passes in the passes restrictions field.
Select corresponding tab where it is possible to create restrictions.
from already added or create access restrictions. After clicking you will be redirected to the
In addition, you can save your search parameters for further use by clicking the corresponding button. All saved parameters are displayed after clicking the Segments button.
How to revoke an identifier from a user
To withdraw the user access to the area, complete the following steps:
Open the User management tab.
Find the user from which you need to remove the identifier and click edit their data.
In the Identifier section, find the ID you need to withdraw and delete it. You can delete both user identifiers and guest identifiers provided by the user.
Click the Save button in the left low corner.