All devices (panels, controllers, monitors, etc.) must be added to the Link server to associate physical devices with data on the server. Adding a device to the Link server gives the ability for remote interaction and monitoring.
In the tab, you can add a new device, check already added device settings, editor delete
them. Also for each device, there is the ability to cope information
, start initialization
(only for SP-03), restart the task queue
, and synchronize device data (to send to a device all information about settings, identifiers, users, etc., that the server has)
Synchronize device data feature can be useful to automatically fill renewed device with existing data. For example, after replacing a broken device. |
For correct server functioning, all devices must be added to the access rules that apply to the corresponding groups.
For correct server functioning, all devices must be added to the access rules that apply to the corresponding groups.
Go to the Devices tab of the Device management section.
Click the plus icon in the left low corner.
Enter the device name.
Select its type: panel, monitor, access controller, elevator controller, IP camera.
Select the device model.
Indicate the device Serial number (check the Dashboard tab of the device web interface or device box). If you are adding an IP camera, enter any number in this field.
Select a group/subgroup where the device is installed.
If necessary, set location geodata for panels. This data is required for the Link app, when a visitor with a pass (added to Apple Wallet) approaches the available panel (with location), the pass will be automatically shown.
Add a description, if necessary.
Allow remote lock opening (from the device web interface, via API), if necessary.
Enter network settings for server and panel interaction:
select the appropriate communication protocol: HTTP or MQTT (is recommended to use);
enter the device IP address and port (for HTTP only);
enter login and password that are used to enter the device web interface;
indicate server interaction password (is created in the Management system section (Network tab) of the device web interface).
Also, the same network settings as for the server must be entered in the device web interface. The management system must be enabled for the device:
Detailed instructions are here. |
If required, configure additional settings in the corresponding section for the panel or IP camera:
select the ID of the alarm output relay on the camera that must be activated when the license plate is recognized (available for IP cameras).
set a timeout for the relay activity (available for IP cameras).
mark that the panel that is used with an additional camera for license plate recognition (available for panels).
For details about the usage of license plates as identifiers, see How to configure license plate recognition. |
Click the Save button in the left low corner when all required data will be entered.
Users must be added to the group first, then devices must be added. If you add devices before adding a user to a group, a feature of automatic creation of forward rules will not work correctly. If you add a device to a group without a user, device virtual number applies to an administrator, but not to the group user. So, the created forwarding queue will include the administrator instead of the user. |
Device basic configurations can be done in the device web interface. And if they are done, there is no need to set them from the Link side. But if some of the following parameters are missed or require corrections, they, also, can be done in the corresponding sections. You must enable the setting section you want to send.
The following settings can be entered:
automatic forwarding settings is a feature of automatic creation of forwarding rules for apartment group user/s and sending them to device/s. If this feature is enabled, for all groups will be automatically created and applied virtual numbers. When adding a user that has a virtual number/s to a group, forwarding that includes all user numbers is automatically created. In addition, SIP and address settings are also automatically created and sent to the device.
But if there are troubles with them (e.g., logical addresses are already set for devices manually and do not match created on the server or the Link set and sent SIP settings for connecting to an external address, but internal is required, etc.), it is possible to set and sent the following settings to the device manually:
SIP settings are required for calls via SIP protocol. For correct SIP functioning, you must:
enable SIP;
select SIP address type: server URL or server external IP address;
enter SIP server address (realm) that can be represented by both an IP address and a domain name, e.g.;
enter SIP server proxy that can be represented by both an IP address and a domain name, e.g. Before the proxy address, you must enter "sip:";
server STUN IP address, e.g.,;
port of the STUN server, e.g., 19302;
SIP number (login);
password for the SIP number;
timeout for re-registration to renew the lost connection with the SIP server.
address settings that are required for device correct display in the intercom system and connecting between devices. If you are adding a panel, you must select panel operation mode (more details are here). Building No., Unit No., Floor No., Apartment No. and Device No. must be indicated depending on the device type.
for an elevator controller the following settings can be done:
enable/disable sending of settings on the device;
select available mode: Up (an elevator moves only in the upward direction), Down (movement is only in the downward direction), Up and down (both directions are available), Access by identifier (movement only to those floors that are available for the used identifier);
select relay type: COM-NO/COM-NC;
set the time during which the relay will be switched;
set lift release time (during which relay will be closed/opened) for identifier and for API call;
enable/disable the switching relay when turning on the device;
createa list of floors (depending on the number of available relays) and corresponding relays for a unit;
enter Floor No. and Relay No. that connected to each floor at the controller;
indicate whether the floor is public or not. Users will always have access to the public floor despite their identifier settings;
select apartments located on each floor;
If your device is added to the Link server and interacts using the MQTT protocol, you can access the device web interface remotely. To do it, in the Device tab clickin the required device row.
As a result, you will be connected to the device web interface.
So, you can configure the required settings without being in the same network segment with the device. When all settings are done, click Stop remote controlling to close the window with the web interface.
There is a filter by name, device type, and IP domain. So, you can configure a flexible data display and quick search. To do this, you need to click the Add filter button and set the necessary parameters. For some searches, results can equal your search (so to be exactly as you indicate), or they can be less, great than your parameter, or contain (has) it. You can select a few parameters and choose whether the results will match all filters or any of them.
In addition, you can save your search parameters for further use by clicking the corresponding button. All saved parameters are displayed after clicking the Segments button.