Licenses ensure controlled access to system features, enabling efficient resource allocation and functionality management. They are vital for structuring access rights across various scenarios, from small residential setups to large corporate projects. The three license types — Trial, Basic, and Plus — cater to needs ranging from free introductory access to premium features. This section outlines the types of licenses, their features, and how to manage them effectively.

Overview of License Types


The Trial license is designed for users to explore the full capabilities of the BAS-IP system without any initial cost. It is issued automatically upon partner registration or can be assigned manually by administrators. The Trial license is valid for a limited time and includes unrestricted access to all system features during this period.

Basic license

Each BAS-IP device includes one basic license, it is free and available for the indefinite period of time. When you register your device in the cloud and add it to your user group, the license will be activated. One basic license package includes two SIP numbers and two installations of the Link mobile app.

Plus license

The Plus license provides advanced features for complex projects, offering expanded functionality beyond the Basic license. To acquire a Plus license, distributors can contact our sales team directly to discuss project requirements and purchase the appropriate license package. This ensures tailored resource allocation and efficient feature management across user groups.

License Allocation by Roles and Group Levels

Licenses are distributed among project participants at various levels, from distributors to end users, based on their roles and needs. This section provides a detailed overview of the licensing process and the principles of license management across different levels of the hierarchy.

  1. Distributor
    The distributor obtains licensing rights and becomes responsible for distributing them to their partners (dealers or installers) after purchasing a license package.

  2. Dealer/Installer
    Dealers and installers purchase licenses directly from distributors. Their available resources depend on the total number of licenses purchased by the distributor and the restrictions set by them.

  3. Management Company
    The management company oversees system operations at the sites, including access monitoring and user interaction. Its role is to ensure seamless system performance and provide support to end users.

  4. Concierge/Custom Roles
    This level is designed for specialized users, such as concierges or technical staff, who manage access and features for residents or other end users. These roles can be customized to perform specific tasks.

  5. End User
    End users (residents, apartment owners) gain access to system features within the framework of licenses assigned by higher-level groups. Their permissions directly depend on the settings defined at the company or dealer level.

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Group-Level License Allocation

Licenses are managed through a hierarchy of groups. The parent group sets restrictions that are inherited by subgroups, ensuring consistent rules for resource allocation. It is possible to configure custom parameters for specific groups while maintaining compatibility with general settings. This section covers the mechanisms for license distribution, limitations, and the customization of licenses.

The standard group structure in a BAS-IP project consists of five levels. You can find detailed instructions on creating and configuring these groups in the Object groups section. Depending on your project's needs, you can customize the number and hierarchy of groups to best suit your requirements.

  1. Main Group (Company)
    This level sets the primary limitations for all lower-level groups. Managed by the distributor with the Company Administrator role, it defines key parameters, including the total number of available licenses and their validity periods.

  2. Building Group
    Managed by the dealer with the Site Administrator role, this group inherits restrictions defined by the parent group (Company), including available licenses and timeframes. At this level, the dealer can allocate resources among subgroups and impose additional restrictions if necessary.

  3. Units Group
    This level is designed for managing resources within a building. For instance, it can include groups for concierges or technical staff. Units can set restrictions for subsequent levels (Floors) and are managed by the dealer.

  4. Floors Group
    Floors primarily inherit restrictions from Units, serving as an intermediate navigation level to Apartments. However, specific restrictions can be configured for individual floors if needed.

  5. Apartments Group
    This is the lowest level of the structure, representing individual apartments where end users reside. Restrictions at this level are strictly inherited from all higher-level groups (Company, Building, Units, Floors) but can also be configured individually if necessary.

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Steps to Assign Licenses to a Group

Licenses are assigned to groups using a unified algorithm applicable to all group types, regardless of their level in the hierarchy. The key difference lies in the number of licenses allocated to each group and their type, determined by the settings of parent groups. This section provides a detailed overview of the universal process for license distribution.

To access the settings, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to the Group Object tab under User Management.

  2. Click on the three dots next to the object name and select the Edit option.

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  1. In the newly opened window, locate the Licenses section.

  2. In the Licenses section, enable the Enable restriction check-box to activate restrictions.


If the setting is disabled, the group has access to an unlimited number of project licenses

If the setting is disabled, the group has access to an unlimited number of project licenses

  1. If necessary, check the Reminder of the end of the license period checkbox and set the date when users will receive a notification about the license expiration

You can configure a reminder to be sent before the end of the license validity period, specifying the number of days in advance and the notification frequency: once, daily, weekly, or every 30 days. The reminder will be sent to the email address listed in the group administrator's profile. For details on configuring the reminder template, refer to Mail Templates.

  1. After enabling Enable restriction, click the green Add new license button to access advanced license settings.

  1. After adding the license, a panel with a summary of available permissions will appear. Here, you can view key information, such as the license status and available features (e.g., virtual numbers, mobile applications, UKEY2). Click on this panel to proceed with further configuration steps.

  1. In the newly opened window, set the necessary permissions for the root group by specifying the number of licenses for SIP numbers and mobile devices. You can also enable additional features by selecting the corresponding checkboxes.


The number of SIP licenses must be at least equal to the number of mobile application licenses, as each application requires a unique SIP number for activation. For example, if there are 10 mobile applications, at least 10 SIP numbers should be allocated. In self-hosted systems, SIP numbers can also be used for internal communication, such as numbers for concierge services or SIP dialers. If the distributor offers these options, additional SIP numbers should be specified.

The number of SIP licenses must be at least equal to the number of mobile application licenses, as each application requires a unique SIP number for activation. For example, if there are 10 mobile applications, at least 10 SIP numbers should be allocated. In self-hosted systems, SIP numbers can also be used for internal communication, such as numbers for concierge services or SIP dialers. If the distributor offers these options, additional SIP numbers should be specified.

The number of licenses you assign cannot exceed your available total limit and applies to all subordinate groups. None of the lower-level groups will be able to exceed the limit you set.

  1. Once you have set all the necessary permissions, check the License validity period checkbox to specify the license duration:


Ensure that the license periods for lower-level groups do not exceed the duration set for higher-level groups; otherwise, the feature will not function correctly.

Ensure that the license periods for lower-level groups do not exceed the duration set for higher-level groups; otherwise, the feature will not function correctly.

  1. After completing all the settings, click the Save icon in the lower right corner to apply the changes.

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For detailed instructions on license distribution across group levels, refer to the article How to distribute licenses among group levels?

License Configuration Options for Projects

Licenses offer flexible configuration options tailored to various needs. This section provides practical examples of popular configurations, helping you efficiently manage access and resources within your project.

Configuration Without Restrictions on the Number and Duration of Licenses

Licenses are provided without limitations on quantity or validity period. The parent group grants full access to all subordinate entities, including buildings, apartments, and groups. This configuration is ideal for scenarios where the license holder prefers not to manage license allocation manually and instead tracks usage based on actual consumption.

  1. Click Edit next to the selected group.

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  1. Go to the Licenses section.

  2. In the opened window, ensure that the Enable Restrictions checkbox is unchecked and no active licenses are present.

Configuration with Quantity Limit but No Time Limit

Licenses are configured with a fixed number of resources but without any time restrictions. This setup is ideal for long-term projects where controlling the number of utilized resources is essential. It is particularly useful in post-payment scenarios to ensure that usage stays within defined limits.

  1. Click Edit next to the selected group.

Group managment _ BAS-IP Link - Google Chrome 202.png
  1. Navigate to the Licenses section.

  2. In the opened window, check the box next to Enable Restrictions.

  3. Click the green Add New License button.

  1. A license configuration window will appear. Click on it to proceed further.

  2. In this window, you will have full access to configure the selected group. To set a quantity limit, enter the number of licenses you want to allocate to the group in the fields for Virtual Numbers, Mobile Applications, and UKEY2.


The number of SIP licenses must be at least equal to the number of mobile application licenses, as each application requires a unique SIP number for activation. For example, if there are 5 mobile applications, at least 5 SIP numbers should be allocated.

The number of SIP licenses must be at least equal to the number of mobile application licenses, as each application requires a unique SIP number for activation. For example, if there are 5 mobile applications, at least 5 SIP numbers should be allocated.

  1. Click the Save icon in the lower-right corner to apply the settings.

Configuration with Quantity and Time Limitations

Licenses are issued with a fixed limit on the number of resources and a defined validity period. This configuration is ideal for projects with clear timeframes and strict control over license usage. It is particularly suitable for prepaid scenarios, where it is important to determine both the quantity and the duration of licenses in advance.

  1. Click Edit next to the selected group.

Group managment _ BAS-IP Link - Google Chrome 202.png
  1. Navigate to the Licenses section.

  2. In the opened window, check the box next to Enable Restrictions.

  3. Click the green Add New License button.

  1. A license configuration window will appear. Click on it to proceed further.

  1. In this window, you will have full access to configure the selected group. To set a quantity limit, enter the number of licenses you want to allocate to the group in the fields for Virtual Numbers, Mobile Applications, and UKEY2.


The number of SIP licenses must be at least equal to the number of mobile application licenses, as each application requires a unique SIP number for activation. For example, if there are 5 mobile applications, at least 5 SIP numbers should be allocated.

The number of SIP licenses must be at least equal to the number of mobile application licenses, as each application requires a unique SIP number for activation. For example, if there are 5 mobile applications, at least 5 SIP numbers should be allocated.

  1. At the bottom, locate the License Period section and check the License Validity Period box to specify the license duration.

  2. Valid from — the start date of the license.

  3. Valid until — the end date of the license.


Ensure that the license periods for lower-level groups do not exceed the duration set for higher-level groups; otherwise, the feature will not function correctly.

Ensure that the license periods for lower-level groups do not exceed the duration set for higher-level groups; otherwise, the feature will not function correctly.

  1. After completing all the settings, click the Save icon in the lower right corner to apply the changes.

Configuration with Expiration Reminders

The system allows you to configure notifications for license expiration. Notifications are sent to group administrators or users a specified number of days before the expiration date. The frequency of notifications can be customized, such as daily or weekly.

  1. Click Edit next to the selected group.

Group managment _ BAS-IP Link - Google Chrome 202.png
  1. Navigate to the Licenses section.

  2. In the opened window, check the box next to Enable Restrictions.

  3. Below that, check the box next to Reminder of the end of the license period.

  4. Specify the notification frequency in days.

  5. Choose the notification recurrence: Once, Daily, Weekly, or Every 30 Days.

  6. Click the green Add new license button.

  1. Configure additional license settings for the group by selecting the newly created license block.

  2. Click the Save icon in the lower-right corner to apply the changes.


What is a license?

A license is a set of permissions that grants access to specific features and resources within the BAS-IP Link ecosystem. These licenses enable controlled use of system capabilities, such as virtual numbers, mobile applications, and advanced integrations, ensuring that resources are distributed efficiently across user groups and projects.

Why are licenses necessary?

Licenses are essential for managing access to system features in an organized and scalable way. They allow administrators to allocate resources based on the specific needs of a project or user group, providing flexibility while ensuring cost control. Without licenses, it would be impossible to define limits, enable premium functionalities, or maintain structured access for diverse users.

How are licenses distributed across groups?

Licenses are distributed hierarchically, starting from the parent group (such as a distributor or a company administrator) and cascading down to child groups like buildings, apartments, or individual users. Each group inherits its license limits from the parent group, but administrators can set specific restrictions or enhancements at lower levels. For example:

What happens when a license expires?

When a license expires, the following occurs:

Are licenses transferable between projects?

No, licenses are tied to the group or project for which they were issued. They cannot be transferred to another group or project. This ensures that resource allocation is consistent and prevents discrepancies in usage tracking. However, if a user or group transitions to a new project, a new license must be purchased or assigned for continued access to features.