

There is a multifactor authorization feature in panel settings. In addition to the normal operation of identifiers, you can enable the mandatory use of several identifiers to open the lock/s. For example, the user must bring the card to the reader and then show a QR code to get access. For correct multifactor authorization, you must add users in this tab and configure conditions for gaining access to a room.

Also, you can edit or look at a list of all users with detailed information about them (linked to user identifiers, access restrictions, apartments, and access conditions).

You can enable multifactor authorization in the Access management tab and configure access options. Also, you can enable multifactor authorization for one or a group of users, and configure different access options for them, if necessary.

How to add a new user to a panel

  1. Log in to the device web interface. By default, the username is admin and the password is 123456.

  2. Open the User tab.

  3. Click New User.

  4. Enter a user name.

  5. If necessary, add info about the user. It can be helpful to indicate user roles or other information to avoid confusion if some users have the same name (optional).

  6. Set lock # that the user can open with an identifier.

  7. To enable multifactor authorization for user tick Custom Access parameters

  8. Select necessary identifiers from available types that users must use to get access: QR code, Card, Access code, Ukey, Face ID. 

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  9. If you need to specify the apartment data for the user, open the Apartments tab (optional).

  10. To add a new apartment, click the Plus icon and provide the required data. Otherwise, click the Search icon to select the apartment from the list of previously added (optional).

  1. To add identifier(s) for this user open the Identifier tab in creating a new user menu. 

  2. To add a new identifier, click the Plus icon and provide the required data. Otherwise, click the Search icon to select the identifier from the list of previously added. If necessary, you can delete added identifiers. 

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  1. If you need to apply some time limitations for the user activity, go to the Time profiles tab (optional).

  2. To add a time profile, click the Plus icon and provide the required data. Otherwise, click the Search icon to select the profile from the list of previously added (optional).

For details, see the How to Add a New Time Profile guide.

  1. Confirm entered data. 


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