Network settings
Here you can turn on/off the DHCP connection and get network settings automatically or enter it manually.
For correct device work, you must enter:
panel IP address;
By default, a device can have a static IP address of or
subnet mask;
the main gateway;
DNS server address;
Wi-fi settings (available for AV-06M)
In this section, you must set network data for the monitor when it is connected to the network via Wi-Fi. You can turn on/off the DHCP connection and get available network settings automatically or enter it manually.
You must specify:
panel IP address;
subnet mask;
the main gateway;
DNS server address.
These parameters (except IP address) coincide with parameters entered in the Network section. So, you can copy them and set only the device IP address.
Wi-Fi connection (available for AV-06M)
After configuring Wi-Fi settings in the corresponding section, here you can enable/disable connection to the network via Wi-Fi.
There are several Wi-Fi modes:
disabled: Wi-Fi network is disconnected, Ethernet connection is used;
Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi connection is used;
access point: engineering mode, used by the support service (not recommended for selection).
To enable the connection using Wi-Fi:
Select Wi-Fi mode. As a result, you will get a list of available networks.
Then select the appropriate network.
Enter its password if necessary.
Connect to the network by pressing the corresponding button.
Click Submit to save settings.
To turn off the Wi-Fi connection, select disabled Wi-Fi mode and submit settings.
When your monitor is connected to the network via Wi-Fi, the device will have settings specified in the Wi-Fi settings, i.e., you can access the device web interface with the IP address indicated in this section (for example, But if the Wi-Fi connection is disabled, data from the Network section will be used (e.g., the monitor interface will be available at the address).
NTP server
NTP server data is used for time and date automatic synchronization between a panel and a server. It is essential that the device date and time match the real one for the identifiers, access restrictions, etc. to work correctly. You can check the current device date/time in a corresponding field.
Using the automatic setting of time, data will be automatically synchronized with a server via the Internet. Therefore, this option requires an Internet connection. To configure server work, complete the steps:
Tick the Set time automatically box.
Enter the URL or IP address of the server that is used for synchronization.
Choose the required timezone.
Submit changes.
You can also set the time and date manually. To do it, you need to deactivate the Set time automatically feature then select the date, timezone and save these settings.
For some models the time and date can be automatically reset to January 1, 1970, after reboot. So, you need to set these parameters again.
Management system
In this section, you can enable/disable and configure the BAS-IP Link server for access control, management, and monitoring of devices.
To do it, you must:
Log in to the device web interface. By default, the username is admin, and the password is 123456.
Go to the Network tab > Management system section.
Select the necessary protocol: HTTP or MQTT (is recommended to use).
Enter all required data.
Submit settings.
MQTT allows organizing the interaction of BAS-IP Link with devices, which are located in different networks/subnets/behind NAT without additional settings from the network infrastructure (port forwarding, etc.) as HTTP requires. We recommend using the MQTT protocol as it is less complex, more effective, provides data security, and fast and efficient message delivery.
MQTT protocol configuration
If you select MQTT, you must enter:
management system broker address and port;
password for interaction with the management system;
Also, you can activate sending real-time logs to the server. If necessary, you can enable/disable integrated message encryption or add your certificate by clicking the File field and selecting the appropriate one. Sending of heartbeat (current status: online/offline) is done by default here without the ability to enable/disable it.
If sending logs feature is enabled and the server is available, the data is sent in real time.
In case when the feature is enabled, but the server is not available, the panel accumulates all logs and tries to send them every 10 minutes until the server becomes available. After successful action, the device proceeds to send in real time. The delayed event log can include up to 10 000 entries, and if this number is exceeded, the oldest ones will be cleared, and the server will take them on its own.
If the feature is disabled, the server periodically takes logs on its own.
If you need to get the current state of the MQTT client, go to System > Support.
For correct functioning, the MQTT protocol is required settings from the management system side. See for details.
HTTP protocol configuration
If you select HTTP, you must enter:
an IP address or domain name of the server where the Link software is installed;
device password to the server.
If necessary, you can activate sending real-time logs and heartbeat (current status: online/offline) from the panel to the server.