Integration with Hikvision

Hikvision provides the ability to use license plates as identifiers for automatic barrier gate opening, utilizing the ALPR option for their recognition and scanning. The BAS-IP Link server is compatible not only with Axis cameras but also with cameras from other manufacturers, such as Axis and Axxon One, which also support this option.

  1. In the Licenses tab, ensure that you have an integration with the Hikvision camera in your license and this option is enabled for the server.

  2. Go to the Devices tab of the Device management section.

  3. Click the plus icon in the left low corner.

  4. Enter the device name.

  5. Select the IP camera type.

  6. Select the Hikvision camera with the ANPR model.

  7. Enter any number for the Serial number field.

  8. Select a group/subgroup where the device is functioning.

  9. Add a description, if necessary.

  10. Enter network settings for server and camera interaction:

  • enter the camera IP address and port

  • enter login and password to the camera

Be aware that the camera must be within the same network as the server or available for interaction via the Internet.

  1. In the Additional Settings, select the ID of the alarm output relay on the camera that must be activated when the license plate is recognized.

  2. Also, set a timeout for this relay activity.

IP camera adding-20240602-222130.png
  1. Click the Save button in the left low corner when all required data will be entered.

  2. As the camera is added, click it from the list of all devices.

  1. Copy the URL for the incoming events from the IP camera in the corresponding field.

  1. Go to the Advanced settings of the Hikvision camera.

  2. Paste the copied from the Link URL (for the incoming events from the IP camera) into the URL field of camera settings.

  3. Enter the URL of your server in the Destination IP section.

  1. Save settings.

  2. Add license plate identifier as described here.

As a result, camera and server can interact with license plates.