Device description

Device description

SH-42 is a dual-lock control module. The control module is designed to connect two locks to the outdoor panel and control them from an indoor monitor or SIP client. So, this module makes possible simultaneous unlocking of two doors. It is compatible with various lock types, including electromechanical, and electromagnetic, and can be easily integrated with existing security systems.

The module is connected to the entrance panel through the RS-485 interface and compatible with all panels except AV-02.

The version with 8 contacts has additional inputs to connect buttons for opening the first and second locks, as well as an additional input for a fire alarm. 

There are variations (SH-42.2, SH-42.4, SH-42.6, and SH-42.8) with advanced firmwares that allows opening not only relays 1-2 but also 3-4, 5-6, and 7-8. This possibility is available only for panels with Linux OS. Configuration of lock opening (for relays 1-8) is only available via API. So, by changing the relays numeration in the system it is possible to connect up to 8 locks: SH-42.4 opens the 3rd and 4th locks, SH-42.6 works with the 5th and 6th, and so on. These locks opening is possible via DTMF and API. So, you must set a code (is possible via API). Locks 3,4,5,6,7,8 can be opened with the help of all monitor models, in the Intercom app and third-party applications/SIP clients. A user must open the keyboard (during a call) to enter the DTMF code(s) to unlock the required relay(s). This option is not currently available for the Link app.            


  • Two built-in relays to control two locks;

  • The ability to connect as electromechanical locks and latches and electromagnetic locks;

  • Switchable contact group on each relay;

  • Communication with the panel via RS-485 interface;

  • Input for control low-voltage analog signal;

  • Opening delay time configuration (for 8 pin module);

  • The ability to connect buttons for opening the first/second locks, and a fire alarm (for 8 pin module).  

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