The management system must be enabled for the device:
Log in to the device web interface. By default, the username is admin, and the password is 123456.
Go to the Network tab > Management system section.
Select the necessary protocol: HTTP or MQTT (is recommended to use) in the Mode field.
MQTT allows organizing the interaction of BAS-IP Link with devices, which are located in different networks/subnets/behind NAT without additional settings from the network infrastructure (port forwarding, etc.) as HTTP requires. We recommend using the MQTT protocol as it is less complex, more effective, provides data security, and fast and efficient message delivery.
Enter all required data.
If you select MQTT, you must:
enter management system broker address and port;
create a password for interaction with the management system;
Also, you can activate sending real-time logs to the server. If necessary, you can enable/disable integrated message encryption or add your certificate by clicking the File field and selecting the appropriate one. Sending of heartbeat (current status: online/offline) is done by default here without the ability to enable/disable it.
If you select HTTP, you must enter:
an IP address or domain name of the server where the Link software is installed;
device password to the server.
If necessary, you can activate sending real-time logs and heartbeat (current status: online/offline) from the panel to the server.
Submit settings.