

In the tab, you configure settings for apartment, device, calls, and SIP calls.

Apartment Settings 

For correct panel functioning, you must enter information about its logical address:

  • panel operation mode;

Panel mode

For the AV-01BD, AV-01D, AV-01ED, AV-01MD, AV-01MFD, AV-02D, AV-02FDE, AV-02IDE, AV-02IPD, AV-03B, AV-03BD, AV-04ASD, AV-04AFD, AV-04FD, AV-04SD, AV-05FD, AV-05SD the personal mode is required for correct work. This working mode implies that the panel is connected directly to the monitor/s in the room. 

  • building number; 

  • unit number; 

  • floor number;

  • apartment number;

  • device number

If you have more than 1 entrance panel with the same logical address, you need to specify their device numbers, starting from 1 to 9.

For correct functioning, the panel and the monitor must have the same building, unit, floor, and apartment number in apartment settings. Also for monitors, you must indicate their device numbers.

According to the panel settings from the photo above, the monitor with the logical address (number) 0001-01-02-11 will be called. In this logical address, 0001 is Building No., 01 stands for Unit No., 02 is Floor No., and 11 is a number of apartment. Thus, the same logical address must be set in the monitor settings: building - 1, unit - 1, floor - 11, apartment - 11.

If there are no such settings, you must make forwarding queues for apartments with IP addresses or SIP numbers of monitors.

SIP settings

These settings are required for the correct work of calls via SIP protocol. If you use the BAS-IP Link server we recommend configuring SIP settings remotely using the Link (via MQTT protocol) and then sending them to the device. 

Step-by-step guide how to get SIP nubmers and configure a panel for SIP calls if you use BAS-IP SIP server you can find here.

To configure SIP calls for the panel, you must enable device SIP registration and enter the following parameters: 

  • SIP server proxy that can be represented by both an IP address and a domain name;

Data format:

Before the proxy address, you must enter "sip:", e.g. sip:gb.sip.bas-ip.com. A full list of BAS-IP servers for each country is available here

If you use a third-party SIP server, you can also indicate a non-standard port in the format: 

sip:gb.sip.bas-ip.com:1506 where gb.sip.bas-ip.com is a SIP server proxy, 1506 is a non-standard port.

  • SIP server address that can be represented by both an IP address and a domain name, e.g. gb.sip.bas-ip.com;

Data format:

If you use a third-party SIP server, you can also indicate a non-standard port in the format: 

sip:gb.sip.bas-ip.com:1506 where gb.sip.bas-ip.com is a SIP server, 15061 is a non-standard port.


19302 port is used for Google STUN server.

  • user SIP number (up to 20 characters); 

  • SIP user ID (optional);

  • password for SIP number (up to 20 characters);

  • transport type: UDP/TCP/TLS. 


UDP is good for speed and efficiency.

TCP is great for reliable IP-packet delivery. 

TLS is best for encryption, authentication, data integrity, and secure SIP trunking. 

If connection with SIP server is lost, it will be automatically renew. You can set the re-registration interval (from 30-900 seconds) between attempts to renew the connection. 

Call settings 

At this part you can:

If the feature is disabled, the concierge is called via an internal protocol. If the system has concierge monitors, the call will go to the main monitor. If it does not answer, the call will be transferred to the other monitors in the system (if they are).

  • indicate the direction (number) to which the call will be made when pressing the connected call button; 

Forwarding when pressing the concierge button:

You can also set up a call to a specified number/s (up to 8) when you press the concierge button using the Forwarding feature. In the Apartment number field, you must enter 1000Х, where X is the concierge monitor device number. So, for the 1st concierge monitor apartment number will be 10001. Also, you must enter the forward number in one of the formats: sip:SIP number@address of the SIP server (if you need calls to be done via SIP protocol) or sip:any number@device IP address (if calls must be done via P2P protocol).

  • enable/disable autoanswer of all incoming calls;

  • enable/disable ending a call by pressing the button on the panel;

  • enable/disable automatic ending of call after opening a lock;

  • configure call max time in sec (up to 2 h period after which the panel automatically ends an outgoing call if there is no answer);

  • configure talk max time in sec (up to 24 h period after which the panel automatically ends the outgoing conversation).

Talk time for an incoming call is limited to 2 min.

Device settings

In this section you can: 

  • select preferred video quality (resolution) (320x240/640х480/1280х720);

  • select preferred RTP data profile;

  • adjusts a volume level of a panel speaker;

  • enter RTSP username (login to get access to a panel RTSP stream);

  • enter RTSP password (password to get access to a panel RTSP stream).

Relay settings 

Here you can select the initial state of the panel relay when the device is turned on. If you select Switch when the device is turned on, so the relay will switch the position to the opposite. The relay will return to its original position after turning off the panel. The relay will not switch the position when the device is turned on and off if the corresponding mode is selected.  

The feature is good when you want/don't to keep the lock open or closed (if an electromagnetic lock is used) if there is no device power supply.  

Camera mode 

Panel camera can work in 2 modes:

  • QR Recognition + RTSP: panel camera detects and scans QR code identifiers and provides an RTSP stream that can be recorded on NVR. This mode is recommended if QR codes are used as identifiers;

  • RTSP server: panel camera only provides an RTSP stream that can be recorded on NVR. So, the camera is used as an additional surveillance camera.

Also, you can configure the backlight and set the following parameters:

  • the illumination level (0-255) at which the camera switches to the black and white mode and the backlight turns on; 

If you set a 0 level, the backlight will never turn on. If you set a 255th level, the backlight will never turn off.

  • backlight operation duration from 0 to 600 sec;

  • a number of frames (0-100) during which the illumination level is measured to switch between the black or white mode.

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