


Select “Basic” to access the call configuration:

Select account: Account which is used for calls.

No answer call: Call forwarding function if no answer is received from dialed subscriber.

Push button

Push button: A field for entering a subscriber number you are dialing by pressing the ring button.

To call the device using the internal protocol, you need to enter the 7-digit number, for example,

"#1012222", where "1" is the number of a building, "01" – the number of the unit, "22" - the floor number and "22" - the apartment number.

No answer call 1,2: Fields for entering subscriber’s numbers, which incoming call will be forwarded to, if it is no answer from main number.

Push button actions

FTP: Sending the visitor’s photo to FTP-server.

E-mail: Sending of the visitor's photo to the specified E-mail.

HTTP URL: GET request to the specified address.

HTTP URL: The URL to which GET request will be sent if such option selected.

Web call: Calling the number specified in the field number from the web interface of the panel.

Max call time: The maximum duration of a call (2 - 30 minutes).

Max dial in time: The maximum dialing time for incoming calls (from 30 to 120 seconds).

Max dial out time: Maximum dialing time for outgoing calls (from 30 to 120 seconds).

Push to hang up: The call cancellation function by repeatedly pressing the push button.


Select "Advanced" to access advanced settings of call configuration:

AEC level: Level of echo cancellation (0-700), where 0 is the minimum level of echo cancellation, 700 is the maximum level.

Photoresistor setting: Range of sensitivity level of the photoresistor at night and day (0-100) for switching the mechanical IR filter of the camera. The default values are 5 - 37.

The left value in this menu is the threshold at which the panel will switch to the “night” mode and will display the image in black and white. The right value in this menu is the threshold at which the panel will go into normal mode and will display a color image.

These values are set based on the lighting parameters and the degree of illumination of the object where this panel is installed.

Tamper alarm: Enable/disable alarm triggering function by tamper (accelerometer) activation.

Gravity sensor thersold: Level of operation of an accelerometer (0 - 127).

The default value is 32. When the minimum value is set, the panel will make a siren sound when it is removed from the seat and moved from the vertical to the horizontal position. When you set the maximum value, the panel will emit a siren sound with a strong vibration or even hit it.

Location settings: Building, unit, floor, apartment number, sequence number, synchronization code.

In this field it is necessary to enter the same values of the logical address as on the monitor, from which this panel will be viewed later.

Server IP: The IP address of the server with the Management Software.


Wiegand Type: The type of Wiegand interface used. Wiegand-26 and Weigand-34 support is available.

Blinking time: The flashing frequency of the call button LEDs when the lock is opened (500 ms - 5000 ms).


Select “Relay” to access the configuration of the relay outputs:

Relay ID: Relay ID.

Relay delay: The time by which the relay will be switched (0-10 sec.).

DTMF option: The number of characters DTMF-code transmitted to trigger the relay.

DTMF: Code transmitted to trigger the relay. The option is active if the item "1 character DTMF" is selected in the DTMF option.

Multiple DTMF: A field to enter a custom DTMF code transmitted to trigger the relay. The option is active if the item "2 - 4 DTMF characters" is selected in the DTMF option.

Relay Status: The current status of the relay is closed or open.

Web relay

Type: A function that allows you to enable/disable the ability to work with 2N WebRelay.

IP address: IP address 2N WebRelay.

Username: 2N WebRelay web interface login.

Password: The password for the 2N WebRelay web interface.

Open relay via http

Switch: Enable/disable the function of opening the specified door upon receiving a special HTTP GET request.

Username: User login.

Password: Access password.

Default values are blank.

The URL format for the request is:, where is the IP address of the call panel, UserName is the user name, Password is the user password, DoorNum is relay number.


Select "Inputs" to access the configuration of the controlled inputs:

Input: Enable/disable function execution when the contacts are closed at the controlled input.

Action: The action taken when closing a group of contacts.

FTP: Transfer photos from the camera panel to an FTP server.

E-mail: Transfer photos from the camera panel to the specified E-mail.

SIP call: Call on SIP to the specified number in the "Action" tab number.

HTTP URL: GET request to the specified address.

HTTP URL: the URL to which the GET request will be sent when closing contacts.

Open relay: The function of opening the specified relay when the contact group is closed.

Door status: Displays the current status of the contacts.

Light status: Displays the current state of the light sensor.

Live stream

Select "Live stream" to access streaming video from the outdoor panel camera:


Select "RTSP" to access the streaming video display settings from the camera of the outdoor panel via the RTSP protocol:

RTSP Basic

RTSP Server enabled: Enabling/Disabling the RTSP server.

RTSP Authorization: Enabling/Disabling authorization when you get the RTSP stream.

RTSP User name: User login.

RTSP Password: Access password.

RTSP Stream

RTSP audio: The function of sound transmitting from the outdoor panel’s microphone viathe RTSP protocol.

RTSP video: The function of video transmitting from the outdoor panel’s camera viathe RTSP protocol.

RTSP video codec: Used codec for video transmission via RTSP (H.264, MPEG4, MJPEG).

An example of a RTSP line for recording video from the outdoor panel’s camera:

rtsp: //

H.264 Video Parameters

Video resolution: Resolution of the transmitted video stream (QCIF, QVGA, CIF, VGA, 4CIF, 720P).

Video frame rate: Number of the transmitted frames per second (10fps, 15 fps, 20fps).

Video bit rate: The compression ratio of the video stream (64 kbps, 128 kbps, 256 kbps, 512 kbps, 1024 kbps, and 2048 kbps).

MPEG4 Parameters

Video resolution: Resolution of the transmitted video stream (QCIF, QVGA, CIF, VGA, 4CIF, 720P).

Video frame rate: Number of the transmitted frames per second (10fps, 15 fps, 20fps).

Video bit rate: The compression ratio of the video stream (64 kbps, 128 kbps, 256 kbps, 512 kbps, 1024 kbps, and 2048 kbps).


Video resolution: Resolution of the transmitted video stream (QCIF, QVGA, CIF, VGA, 4CIF, 720P).

Video frame rate: Number of the transmitted frames per second (10fps, 15 fps, 20fps).

Quality: The quality of the transmitted video stream (50, 60, 70, 80, 90).


Select "ONVIF Settings" to access the display settings of the streaming video from the outdoor panel’s camera via ONVIF protocol:

ONVIF mode: Enable/disable the outdoor panel’s camera recognition mode by other devices using the ONVIF protocol.

User name: The user name to access the stream.

Password: The password to access the stream.


Select "Motion" to access the motion sensor settings

Motion detection options

Motion detection: Enable/disable the motion sensor.

Motion delay: The delay until the trigger when motion is detected.

Action to execute

Action to execute: Additional action when the motion sensor is triggered.

FTP: Sending the visitor's photo to the FTP server.

E-mail: sending the visitor's photo to the specified E-mail.

SIP call: SIP call to the specified number on the "Action" tab.

HTTP URL: GET request to the specified address.

HTTP URL: The URL which GET request will be sent to if the appropriate option selected.

Motion Sensor trigger range - 100 cm.

Card setting

Select “Card Setting” to access the card reader settings.

Cards Import / Export (.xml)

The function of creating a backup and restoring the database of stored access cards.

Card status

The mode of operation of the panel readers.

Normal: Work in a normal card reader mode.

Card issuing: Work in the mode of adding of cards in memory of the panel.

Adding acess cards

To add access cards, you must switch the panel to the card issuing mode, click on the "obtain" button and bring the card to the reader. The field will display the card number. Further, for this card, it is necessary to choose a relay that will trigger when the card is presented, give it a name and link it to the schedule, if required. After that, you must click the "Add." to add a card to the memory panel.

Card setting

IC Key DoorNum: The relay for which the card is being added.

IC Key Name: Name of the card holder. The recommended length is no more than 10 characters.

Card satus: Allow or disallow access for this card.

Card Code: Card number in hex format.

Schedule Binding: Enable a predetermined schedule for the selected card. Scripting is done in the "Schedules" menu.

Door card management

A table displaying the registered access cards in the memory of the  panel.

To delete an access card, tick it in the corresponding checkbox, and then click the "Delete" button.


Select "Action" to access the settings for E-mail, FTP-server and SIP call:

Email notification

In this menu item, the E-mail settings are specified, allowing you to send a letter to the specified address when triggered triggers are triggered in the Basic, Advanced, Inputs and Movement menus.

Sender's address: E-mail of the sender of the type: ivan_petrov@yandex.ru.

Recipient's address: Recipient's email address: andrey_ivanov@gmail.com.

SMTP Server Address: The SMTP server address of the sender's mailbox.

When specifying the SMTP server address, you must specify the port number without SSL\TLS encryption (for example, smtp.yandex.ru:25).

SMTP username: The username of the SMTP server.

SMTP Password: The password of the SMTP server user.

Subject E-mail: Subject letter.

Content E-mail: The text of the letter.

Test E-mail: Validating the entered data.

To check the correctness of data entry and start the test, you must first apply the settings by clicking the "OK" button.

FTP notification

This menu item contains FTP settings that allow saving photos from the camera panel to an FTP server when triggered triggers are triggered in the Basic, Advanced, Inputs and Movement menus.

FTP server: FTP server address.

When specifying the FTP server address, it is necessary to specify the port number without SSL\TLS encryption (for example,

FTP username: The username of the FTP server.

FTP password: FTP server user password.

FTP Test: Validating the entered data.

To check the correctness of data entry and start the test, you must first apply the settings by clicking the "OK" button.

SIP call notification

In this menu, you specify the SIP settings that allow you to make a call to the specified number when the configured triggers are triggered in the Basic, Advanced, Inputs and Motion menus.

SIP call number: The SIP number to which the call will be made when the trigger is triggered.

SIP caller name: Caller-ID transmitted in the call.


Select "Schedules" to access the settings of schedules for passing via card: 

In this menu you can create schedules with different logics of setting time, days of week and date period.

Only time

Schedule name: Desired to display the name of the schedule.

Date time: The time interval in hours and minutes within which this schedule will operate.

Only days

Schedule name: Desired to display the name of the schedule.

Day of week: Set exact day of week to action in this schedule.


Schedule name: Desired to display the name of the schedule.

Date range: Select date range to action in this schedule.

Day of week: Set exact day of week to action in this schedule.

Date time: The time interval in hours and minutes within which this schedule will operate.

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