


Select “Basic” to access the main SIP-account settings. 

SIP Account

Status: Registration Status.

Account: Number of the customizable account.

Account Active: Enable/disable the selected account.

Display Label: Account ID.

Display Name: Name (Caller-ID) that is displayed for dialed subscriber.

Registration Name: The account name used to register on the SIP-server.

Username: The name used to register on the SIP server or proxy server.

Password: Password for registration.

SIP server 1

Server IP: SIP Server address.

Port: Registration port (by default is 5060).

Registration period: The term of client registration on the server (by default is

1800 seconds).

SIP server 2

Server IP: SIP Server address.

Port: Registration port (by default is 5060).

Registration period: The term of client registration on the server (by default is

1800 seconds).

Outbound proxy server

Proxy: Enable/disable of proxy server.

Server IP: Proxy server address.

Server port: Registration port of the proxy server.

Backup IP address: Backup address of proxy server.

Backup port: Registration port of backup proxy server.


Transport: The type of transport used for data transmission (by default is UDP).


NAT: Enable/disable the usage of the STUN server.

STUN server address: The address of the STUN server.

Port: The port of the STUN server.


Select "Advanced" to access advanced settings of the SIP account:

SIP Account

Account: Select a customizable account.


The two columns show disabled and enabled codecs. It is possible to set the required configuration using the arrow buttons and moving the codecs between the columns thereby enable and disable them.

Video Codec

Codec Name: Enable/disable the use of video in SIP calls.

Codec Resolution: Video resolution during a call (QCIF, QVGA, CIF, VGA,4 CIF, 720P).

Codec Bit rate: The compression degree of the video stream.

Payload type: Profile of the RTP data.


Type: Type of used DTMF (Inband, RFC2833, Info, Inband + Info, Info +RFC2833).

Type of notification: Type of used event for SIP Info (Info, Inband + Info or Info + RFC2833). The item is active if DTMF, DTMF-Relay or Telephone-Event is selected.

DTMF Payload: The data profile may be selected in the range from 96 to 127.


Maximum local SIP port: The maximum value of the ports range used for client registration (1024 - 65535).

Minimum local SIP port: The minimum value of the ports range used client registration (1024 - 65535).

Caller ID Header: The header type used for the Caller-ID.

Auto Answer: Enable/disable auto answer when an incoming call is received.

Anonymous Calls: Enable/disable receiving anonymous calls.

Anonymous Call Rejection: Enable/disable an automatic rejection of anonymous calls.

Missed Call Log: Enable/disable of missed call log.

Prevent SIP Hacking: Enable/disable automatic protection from hacking.

Session Timer

Active: Enable/disable timer of user registration session.

Session Expire: Session Expire (90 - 7200 seconds).

Session Refresher: A device that updates a session (UAC or UAS).


Voice Encryption (SRTP): Voice encryption during a call.


UDP Keep Alive Messages: Enabling / disabling the mode of support session.

Sending Interval: The interval of sending messages about presence (5 – 60 seconds).

RPort: Enable/disable the use of RPort.

User Agent

User Agent: The name of user agent.

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