Device settings

Device settings

You can open basic settings from a panel or a web interface. To enter the system settings, you must press the headset button twice (the inscription Admin will appear on the screen). Then enter the admin password (the default password is 123456) and press headset to confirm. This will open the settings menu.

Use the Up/Down arrows or the 2/8 buttons on your keypad to move between menus and fields. To confirm press the headset button, and X if you need to go back.

Device Settings

In this menu, you can configure:

  • panel operation mode;

Wall mode is used when the panel is installed on the perimeter of the object. If this variant is chosen, on the panel you must enter Building No., Unit No., Floor No., and Apartment No. to call the necessary monitor. 

Unit mode is required if the panel is installed near the unit entrance. When using this mode, it is enough to enter Floor No. and Apartment No. to call the necessary monitor.

  • device language (Russian, English, Ukrainian, Spanish, Polish, Dutch, Turkish, French, or Danish);

  • panel logical address (Building No., Unit No., and Device No.); 

For correct functioning, the panel and the monitor must have the same building and unit number in apartment settings. Also for monitors, you must indicate corresponding information about the floor, apartment, and device number.

If you have more than 1 entrance panel with the same logical address, you need to specify their device numbers, starting from 1 for the main device, and from 2 to 9 for others.

  • admin password to enter device settings and web interface; 

  • level of panel speaker volume;

  • panel camera stream resolution (640х480/1280х720/1920x1080 (optional)).

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