Face settings (available for the AA-12FB)

Face settings (available for the AA-12FB)

The menu is available for the AA-12FB model. You can enable/disable and configure the Face Recognition function in this menu and the web interface. You can add face identifiers in the web interface (Identifiers tab).

Use the Up/Down arrows or the 2/8 buttons on your keypad to move between menus and fields. To confirm press the  button, and Х if you need to go back.

In the Face settings menu, you can:

  • enable/disable the feature;

  • select similarity level (the lower the similarity level, the greater the error can be in scanning a face and granting access): 

    • Low: the minimal similarity is necessary for access (changes in appearance (glasses, beard, presence of a hat) will not be taken into account);

    • Normal: some changes in appearance are taken into account, but not detailed (recommended for homes and offices);

    • High: the maximum similarity is necessary for access (recommended for high-security places);

  • select the appropriate mode

    • Software: the software recognition algorithm is used, and there is a possibility of giving access by photos;

    • Anti-spoofing: more detailed software recognition algorithm is used to prevent access by photos;

    • 3D (is available for panels with a built-in 3D sensor): detailed face recognition using IR sensors and building a face heat map to prevent spoofing;

If you enable the 3D mode on a panel without a 3D sensor, the software mode will be activated instead.

  • turn on/off automatic face recognition when motion is detected.  When a person approaches a panel (at a distance up to 50 cm) motion sensor becomes active, and a panel will exit standby mode and turn on the face recognition feature;

  • delete all previously added faces. 

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