

In this menu, you have access to screen settings, user notifications, and adding RTSP streams.

Status Bar

Here you can enter the text that will be displayed in the upper right corner of the panel main screen.

You can enter the name of the residential complex, address, or any other information. To do this, enter the desired text in the String #1, and String #2 fields of the web interface and submit settings.

Weather widget

The weather widget can be displayed on the panel main screen. In this section, you can enable/disable and configure the function.

The function only works if the panel has an Internet connection.

To configure the weather widget, in the corresponding section of the Advanced tab, you need to:

  1. Enable the widget display.

  2. Enter the current location to determine the weather.

  3. Select a temperature display: in degrees Celsius or degrees Fahrenheit.

  4. Select a wind speed display: in meters per second or miles per hour.


You can change the wallpaper of the panel screen and set any desired image. To do it, follow these steps: 

  1. Log in to the entrance panel web interface. By default, the username is admin, and the password is 123456.

  2. Go to the Advanced tab > Wallpaper section.

  3. Click Select File and choose a necessary image. It must meet the following criteria:

  • be in .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp, or .gif formats;

  • have 600x1024 resolution;

  • be up to 10 MB in size.   

  1. Submit settings to set new wallpaper.

You can always restore the default wallpaper by clicking the Set default button. And with the Preview button, you can check the current screen image.

Custom buttons 

In this section, you can configure standard buttons that are displayed on the main screen. You can choose to edit buttons for the following menus:

  • pincode (access code entry menu);

  • face/QR (face and QR code recognition menu);

  • concierge (concierge call button);

  • call (Call menu);

  • contacts (residents' logical numbers menu).

For each button, it is possible to enable/disable its display on the screen and replace the icon or name.

How to configure the buttons displayed on the main screen

  1. Log in to the entrance panel web interface. By default, the username is admin, and the password is 123456.

  2. Go to the Advanced tab > Custom buttons section.

  3. Enable button configuration.

  4. Select buttons to be displayed on the screen. For example, according to the settings in the photo below, all 5 buttons will be shown on the screen.

  5. To change the standard button name, enter a new one in the String field. 

  6. To change the button icon, click and select the required image in one of the formats .jpg, .jpeg, .png, up to 5 MB.

  7. Submit settings.

To remove the image and return to the default icon, click.

With the Preview button, you can check the current display of buttons/icons/names.


Among the panel features is the option to display ads in standby mode. In this section, you can enable/disable and configure this function. Panel works with HTTP pages (with JS support) and RTSP streams (with support of H.264 Codec and 1024x600 or 1280x800 resolution, depending on the panel used).

  1. Log in to the entrance panel web interface. By default, the username is admin, and the password is 123456.

  2. Go to the Advanced tab > Announcement section.

  3. Enable the feature.

  4. Enter the URL of the ad (RTSP stream or HTTP page).

Configuration of RTSP stream display using the VLC media player via user interface

  1. Open the VLC player. 

  2. From the Media menu, select the Stream... option.

  3. In the Open Media tab, select the video you want to stream and click Add... button.

  4. Press the Stream button and Next in the following window. 

  5. Select the RTSP option from the drop-down list and then press the Add button.

  1. In the new RTSP tab, enter the path to your stream (e.g., /vlc or any name you want). The port can be left as 8554. Press the Next button when all data are entered.

  1. Make sure that the Activate Transcoding option is enabled. Streaming video must be with H.264 codec, so it is required to convert it.

  2. Select Video - H.264 + MP3 (MP4) from the Profile drop-down list. Then click Next

  3. Click Stream. Now this stream is available at the rtsp://IP address of the PC from which the stream is displayed:port No./path entered in Step 6, e.g., rtsp://

  4. To repeat the stream (and not just once), click where shown until you see the repeat icon for one file.

  1. Log in to the entrance panel web interface. By default, the username is admin, and the password is 123456.

  2. Go to the Advanced tab.

  3. In the Announcement section, enter the rtsp://IP address of the PC from which the stream is displayed:port No./path, e.g. rtsp://

  4. Submit settings.     

Configuration of RTSP stream display using the VLC media player via CMD

You can set the display of your RTSP server over your local network with the help of a VLC media player. Note that the streaming device and all the receiving device(s) should be connected to the same router for the streaming to work. Also, be aware that streaming video must have 480x272 resolution). 

  1. Open CMD. 

  2. Go to the catalog where vlc.exe is, e.g., C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC.

  3. Enter the following, where video.mp4 is a video name, C:\videos\video.mp4 is a path to the video that is going to be streamed, after rtsp:// is the IP address of the PC from which the stream is running (must be changed according to your data).

    vlc.exe C:\videos\video.mp4 --sout="#rtp{sdp=rtsp://}"
  4. As a result, the VLC player will open, and the stream will start. 

  5. To repeat the stream (and not just once), click where shown until you see the repeat icon for one file.

  1. Log in to the entrance panel web interface. By default, the username is admin, and the password is 123456.

  2. Go to the Advanced tab.

  3. In the Announcement section, enter the rtsp://IP address of the PC from which the stream is displayed:port No./stream, e.g. rtsp://

  4. Submit settings. 

  1. Set timeout for ad displaying (15 - 900 sec).

  2. Submit settings.

mkdir /home/new_directory http-server /home/new_directory . > http.log 2>&1 &

RTSP Feed 

By entering RTSP streams (up to 4) in this section, you can view images from third-party IP cameras on a monitor during a call from an entrance panel. The feature is available for v4 monitors and other SIP devices with a keyboard.

  1. Generate an RTSP stream of the camera according to its manual.   

  2. Log in to the device web interface. By default, the username is admin and the password is 123456.

  3. Open the Advanced tab.

  4. Enter generated at 1st step URL at RTSP feed field. You can add up to 4 RTSP streams.

  1. Save settings by clicking Submit.

Custom notifications  

The panel displays text and plays an audio notification when various events are activated. You can use both standard and custom text and sound notifications for keys pressing, ring back, door unlocking, errors, emergencies (works only via the API), call and communication process, or door unlocking if the external Wiegand controller is connected. 

How to custom message text

  1. Log in to the device web interface. By default, the username is admin, and the password is 123456.

  2. Open the Advanced tab and scroll to the Custom notifications section.

  3. Choose what message you want to change:

  • keys pressing is text on the main screen. You can enter, for example, the concierge number, the name of the residential complex, or tips for correct data entry to call an apartment;

  • ring back is a text shown during an outgoing call. By default, the message Call is displayed on the screen;

  • door unlock is a text shown when the lock is opened. By default, Welcome! is displayed;

  • errors is a text shown when entering an unregistered number or access code or an unregistered/not valid identifier is used. By default, the message Error is displayed on the screen;

  • emergency is a text shown in case of extraordinary situation when the corresponding endpoint is used;

  • Wiegand output. External access control mode (relevant only if the panel is connected to the external controller via Wiegand and the corresponding feature is enabled): a text from the field is shown when the lock is opened by an identifier added to the external controller.

  1. Tick the Message text field and enter new text. If the Message text box is disabled, a standard text will be used.

  1. Submit settings.

How to set custom sound notification

  1. Log in to the device web interface. By default, the username is admin, and the password is 123456.

  2. Open the Advanced tab and scroll to the Custom notifications section.

  3. Choose what event sound you want to change: keys pressing, ring back, door unlock, errors, emergency, an indication of call in progress, an indication of communication in progress, or door unlocking if the external Wiegand controller is connected (Wiegand output. External access control mode).

  1. Tick File and upload audio with .wav extension. If the File box is disabled, a standard sound will be used.

  2. Submit settings. 


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