Additional settings

Additional settings

You can open basic settings from a panel or from a web interface. To enter the system settings, you must open the Pincode menu, enter the password for the settings menu (by default, it is *123*) and press the Call button. To go to the necessary menu, you need to press its icon.

In this menu, you can:

  • add a user access card to the panel memory;

You can add a card both in this menu and in the web interface (see the Access management or Identifiers section).

To add a card via the panel interface: 

  1. Enter a random number in the RoomNum field.

  2. Press Next and leave the other fields empty. 

  3. When the keyboard collapses, press OK.

  4. Bring the card to the reader area. You will hear a beep as confirmation that the card is added. Also, its number will be shown in the Card field.

  5. The card number will be displayed in the Card field and it will be added to the panel.

Also card number is displayed in the Identifiers tab of the web interface, where you can add all the necessary information about the user and link the card to the corresponding apartment.

  • reboot the panel. To do it, you must enter 1 and press #;

  • reset panel settings to default settings. To do it, you must enter 1 and press #. Panel reset will delete all cards;

Panel reset will delete all cards.