Access management

Access management

You can use this menu to set general control parameters of the access control system, access rules, and identifiers.

Access management  

In this part, you can change information about the master card. This card is used to add other cards to panel memory. Here you must specify the card number. 

To add a master card if its number is unknown: 

  1. Open the Access management tab of the panel web interface. 

  2. Enter 0 in the Master card field and submit changes.

  3. Bring the card to a panel reader and wait for the BEEP signal, which means that the master card has been successfully registered.

To add a user card using the master card: 

  1. Bring the card to a panel reader to switch to the adding user cards mode.

  2. Bring the user card to the reader. After reading the card, you will hear the BEEP signal, which means the successful registration of the card.

  3. Open the Identifiers tab in the web interface, where the added card will be displayed.

  4. Add missing information about the card and save changes.

The time between adding cards must not exceed 10 seconds. 

This method is convenient for mass and quick identifier adding. However identifiers are not connected to the necessary apartment, so we recommend adding identifiers through the web interface.


In this section, you can select: 

  • Wiegand type for a card reader. Wiegand-26, Wiegand-34, and Wiegand-58 types are available for work.

  • identifier representation systems. All identifiers can be displayed in Decimal and HEX numeral systems.

BAS-IP panels work in a Wiegand bypass mode, so it is not possible to send identifiers such as Face ID, QR-Code, and Pin-Code to other controllers. 

Support and update of new Wiegand modes require updating the firmware of the Wiegand controller in the service center. 

Access mode 

There is a multifactor authorization feature in panel settings. In addition to the normal operation of identifiers, you can enable the mandatory use of several identifiers to open the lock/s. For example, the user must first bring the card to the reader and then show a QR code to get access.

In this section, you can enable the necessary access mode. Two options are available:

  • normal mode: basic access by one identifier that is linked to an apartment or user.  

  • global mode: activates the use of several identifiers for all added users.  

How to configure Global access mode 

  1. Log in to the device web interface. By default, the username is admin and the password is 123456.

  2. Go to Access management > Access mode.

  3. Choose Global in the Mode field.

  4. Select necessary identifier types that users must use to get access: QR code, Card, Access code, Ukey, or Face ID (for panels with FB letters in their name). 

  5. Submit settings. 

For correct feature functioning, all identifiers must be linked with users. Also, you can enable normal mode support that allows getting access by one identifier, if it is not linked with the user. So, multifactor authorization will not work for identifiers that are not linked with users. 

Locks management  

At this part, you can configure the functioning of 1 or 2 (when using SH-42) locks. The following parameters can be configured: 

  • lock open time: a period (1-300 sec) during which relay contacts will be closed or open (depending on the lock type), and a lock will stay open.

  • lock open delay: a period (0-300 sec) after which relay contacts will close or open after sending a signal to open a lock.

  • DTMF value for each lock or all locks: a code (max length - 4 characters) after entering which the lock will open. By default, all entrance panels are set to receive # to unlock the 1st lock and 0 to unlock the 2nd one.

  • impulse opening mode: one or multiple pulses. It is available to set pulse duration and time between pulses for multiple pulses mode.

Open lock 

In this section, you can remotely open lock #1 or lock #2 (when using SH-42) by clicking the corresponding button.  

Additional settings 

Here you can configure the settings required for the interaction between the panel, indoor video entry phone, and EVRC-IP elevator control module:  

  • set the Floor number where the entrance panel is installed. This parameter is required for all EVRC-IP features to work.

  • enable/disable automatic identifier data sending to an EVRC-IP (required if EVRC-IP module works in the Access control mode). 

  • enable/disable features of sending the elevator to the indicated floor number when the lock is open using an identifier.

  • enable/disable features of sending the elevator to the indicated floor number when the lock is open from the monitor.

  • enable/disable features of sending the elevator to the indicated floor number using a DTMF code on the monitor.   

For the feature to work, a DTMF code for the EVRC-IP module and monitor must be the same. The default DTMF code for the module and monitor is DC, so you can set this value. But if required, you can set your DTMF value for the module in the corresponding field.

  • enable/disable monitor secure mode is a feature of alarm deactivation on an indoor monitor when bringing an identifier (that is linked with the monitor) to the panel reader.

Wiegand controller 

Some BAS-IP panels have an inbuilt Wiegand input and output. In this case, the Wiegand version is displayed in the Dashboard tab. Otherwise, you can use an SH-12 module to connect an external controller via the Wiegand interface.

In the section, you can manage Wiegand input and output. 

The Wiegand input is used for a panel integration with an external controller and receiving values from the controller. To configure the input, complete the following steps:

  1. Enable the input operation.

  2. Select the preferred Wiegand type (the length of the received data).

  3. Submit settings.

The Wiegand output is used for a panel integration with an external controller and sending identifiers received by the panel to the controller. To configure the output, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Enable the output operation.

  2. Select the output operation mode:

  • duplicate: a panel decides whether to grant access or not and simply copies identifier values to an external controller.

  • external access control: a panel only reads and sends identifier values to an external controller that decides whether to grant access or not.

  1. Set the preferred Wiegand type (the length of the shared data).

  2. Select the data type that the panel must send via the Wiegand output:

  • QR codes

  • face IDS

  • identifies received by an internal reader

  • identifies received by an external reader (connected to the Wiegand input)

  1. Submit settings.

Server manage access 

In this section, you can enable and configure working mode when all identifiers are not stored in a panel memory but on a server. When the identifier is brought to the reader, the panel will send a request to the server and wait for a response - to give access or not.

To configure this feature you must: 

  1. Log in to the entrance panel web interface. By default, the username is admin, and the password is 123456.

  2. Open the Access management tab and find the Server manage access section.

  3. Enable the feature.

  4. Click Use custom server and enter it. You can use the Link server.

  5. Submit settings.

Face recognition 

Visitors faces can be used as an identifier to get access to a place. Here you can enable and configure this feature. 

  1. Log in to the entrance panel web interface. By default, the username is admin, and the password is 123456.

  2. Open the Access management tab and find the Face recognition section.

  3. Enable the feature by ticking the corresponding box.

  4. Choose similarity level (the lower the similarity level, the greater the error can be in scanning a face and granting access): 

  • low: the minimal similarity is necessary for access (changes in appearance (glasses, beard, presence of a hat) will not be taken into account).

  • normal: some changes in appearance are taken into account, but not detailed (recommended for homes and offices).

  • high: the maximum similarity is necessary for access (recommended for high-security places).

  1. Choose the appropriate mode

  • software: the software recognition algorithm is used, and there is a possibility of giving access by photos.

  • anti-spoofing: a more detailed software recognition algorithm is used to prevent access by photos.

  • 3D (is available for panels with a built-in 3D sensor): detailed face recognition using IR sensors and building a face heat map to prevent spoofing.

  1. Submit settings.

Also, you can turn on/off automatic face recognition when motion is detected. When a person approaches a panel (at a distance of up to 50 cm) motion sensor becomes active, and a panel will exit standby mode and turn on the face recognition feature.

QR recognition 

QR codes also can be used as identifiers. Here you can enable/disable QR code recognition in general and when motion is detected (at a distance up to 50 cm motion sensor becomes active, and a panel will turn on the QR recognition).

Face/QR recognition audio prompt 

In this section, you can enable/disable audio help on how to complete the recognition process. The prompts will announce when it is necessary to bring the ID to the camera and when the recognition process is in progress.

Exit button 

You can connect a button to a panel for lock opening from the inside. At the section, it is possible to activate/deactivate an exit button.

Door sensor input 

It is possible to connect a door sensor or additional button to the door sensor input. In this section, you can enable/disable and configure their work.

After device installation and electric connection, you must do the following steps for correct work: 

  1. Log in to the entrance panel web interface. By default, the username is admin and the password is 123456.

  2. Open the Access management tab and find the Door sensor input section.

  3. Enable the sensor or button functioning by ticking the corresponding box.

  4. Choose the appropriate input mode:

  • door sensor mode is used to monitor the door state. If the door is not closed, after the expiration of the response time in Logs/Syslog/Link logs/Email notifications will be shown that the door is open.

  • door entry button mode is recommended when the connected button is used as an additional, remote from the panel, entry button.

  • concierge call mode is appropriate when the connected button is used to call the concierge using the internal protocol.

  1. Set the Response time after which the mode will be activated.

  2. For Door sensor and Door entry button modes, you can enable the option to resend a trigger message to Logs/Syslog/Link logs/Email notifications and set the delay time before resending.   

  3. Submit settings.

Also, you can check and update the current door sensor input status (open/closed).

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