SIP/NAT settings
SIP settings
Transport: Choose type of transport, TCP ot UDP.
Session timer: Enable session timer.
Update: Enable/disable session update.
PRACK: Enable/disable usage of PRACK.
NATPR: Enable/disable usage NATPR.
Flush button same account: Enable/disable usage of the same account for outgoing calls.
Local SIP port: Field to enter SIP port for registration.
Memory key: Field to enter direction to call when press INFO button on the handset.
Emergency call settings
Emergency call number: Field to enter direction to call when you pick up the handset for emergenct call.
Emergency call timeout: Choose timeout before call an emergency number.
NAT settings
NAT mode: Enable/disable NAT.
STUN address: IP address or domain name of the STUN server.
STUN port: Field to enter STUN port.
RTP port start: Field to enter start RTP port.
RTP port stop: Field to enter end RTP port.