

In the tab, you have access to the following settings:

The sequence and availability of some parameters depend on your device operating system (IOS or Android).

  • enabling/disabling only WiFi usage: number registration on a server only when connected to Wi-Fi; 

  • setting STUN/TURN server address;

  • enabling/disabling of ICE: feature of building a short path in an extensive devices network to optimize call transfer;

  • enabling/disabling of session support TURN server; 

  • setting STUN/TURN server username

  • setting STUN/TURN server password;

  • enabling/disabling random ports usage for registration on a server;

  • setting a SIP port to use for registration on a server (if the use random ports option is disabled);

  • allowing/forbidding IPv6 protocol usage; 

  • enabling/disabling Edge optimization: data compression according to the parameters of the communication channel;

  • setting of one or several audio ports;

  • setting of one or several video ports;

  • enabling/disabling Adaptive rate control: adjustable bit rate control depending on the communication channel bandwidth (it is recommended to enable if there are connection problems). 

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