Guest access

Guest access

Here you can create and monitor temporary identifiers for guests, couriers, taxi drivers, etc. Such access provides additional security as it's possible to configure areas visitors will have access to, the time and date when the ID will work, and the number of available passes. 

In the tab, you see all created guest identifiers with detailed information about them. With the help ofandbuttons, you can edit or delete created identifiers. By clicking, the identifier will be shown and you can share it with a visitor.  


How to create a guest identifier

Only a user that has at least 1 access restriction and at least 1 device associated with this restriction can create a guest identifier.

  1. Go to the Guest access tab in the Access management section.

  2. Click plus icon in the left low corner.

  3. Select ID type: QR code (available for panels with camera), Access code (available for panels with keypad), URL (available for all devices), or a License plate (available for panels and installed Axis camera with Axis License Plate Verifier software).

  4. Select guest type: Courier or Guest.

  5. Select the access restrictions you want to apply for the ID. Selected access restrictions must coincide with restrictions applied to the user is creates the ID.

  6. Tick the restriction period field if it is necessary to limit the ID validity period.  

  7. Indicate the beginning and the ending of the ID active period. By default, the pass works for 1 day.

  8. If necessary, tick the limit the number of passes field.

  9. Enter the available number of passes for this ID. By default, 1 pass is available.

You may enable and set either a restriction period or a number of passes parameters.

  1. Enter a guest message if required. 

  2. Click confirm when all data is entered.

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  1. Copy the link/access code or download a QR code (or pkpass file for adding the QR code to Apple Wallet) and sent it to the guest for further use. 

When you select a QR-code pass, you can share it as an image of the code and all the main information. Visitor can check all the necessary information (validity period, the number of available passes) and has to open it and show for entrance panel scanning.

In addition to the image, the QR code can be shared in a format for adding it to Apple Wallet if you/your visitor use IOS. When receiving a pass, a visitor must open it and press Add button. As a result, the visitor will get access to the pass by opening Apple Wallet.

Also, if some changes about the pass are done on the Link server, the visitor will be notified about it and they will be automatically applied. So, there is no need to send another pass.  

You can configure how guests passes will look in the Additional settings tab.

Guest passes filtering

There is a filter by the date the identifier was created, owner, and is the identifier valid. So, you can configure a flexible data display and quick search. To do this, you need to click the Add filter button and set the necessary parameter/s. For some searches, results can equal your search (so to be exactly as you indicate), or they can be less or great than your parameter, e.g. search less than indicated date will display all identifiers used before the date. 

You can select a few parameters and choose whether the results will match all filters or any of them. In addition, you can save your search parameters for further use by clicking the corresponding button. All saved parameters are displayed after clicking the Segments button.

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