Blocked addresses

Blocked addresses

An IP address of a caller can be blocked for 3 reasons:

  • a user enters an incorrect password 3 times while adding a SIP number to the BAS-IP app 

  • a user calls 5 times to the non-existed server number

  • calls from activated default number 100 (may cause blocking of the external IP address)

If your IP address is blocked, you will see the Registration in progress status in the BAS-IP Intercom app. 

At the Blocked addresses tab, you can unblock your IP address.

How to unblock an IP address?

1. Log in to your account on the SIP service.

2. Open the Blocked addresses tab.

3. Find the necessary IP address. You can use Search by account email, IP address, or SIP number for a quick search. With the Clear button, you can return to the primary list. 

4. In the IP address line, click unblock button. 

5. As a result of successful unlock, the IP address will disappear from the list.