IP Blocking

IP Blocking

In this section, you can manage IP addresses that can be blocked for some reason.

When you enable the SIP proxy in the Blocking status section, you active blocking for SIP proxies addresses via ports 5060 (UDP, TCP) and 5061 (TCP).

An IP address can be blocked by default if 14 incorrect connection attempts (calls, logging in) are made from an IP address within 1 hour. In addition, when installing the Link server you can set some values for blocking:  

  • KAMAILIO_MAXRETRY: setting the number of attempts;

  • KAMAILIO_FINDTIME: setting during what time attempts must be done for blocking;     

  • KAMAILIO_BANTIME: setting how long the addess will be blocked.

All blocked addresses are displayed in the List of Blocked IP section. You can update the list by pressing

You can unblock all addresses by clicking corresponding button or exact address click in its line.  


For some address blocking rules can be ignored. In the Whitelist section, you can add IP addresses that will not be blocked. To do this: 

  1. In the Whitelist section, click Add IP addresses.

  2. Select the service name. Now only a SIP proxy is available. 

  3. Enter an IP address for which the blocking rules will be ignored.

  4. Confirm data.

All added addressed will be displayed in the list: 

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