How to notify residents of important information or survey them?
A user with corresponding permissions can create an announcement or poll.
Go to the Announces tab of the Communications section.
Click plus icon in the left low corner.
Enter the entry name that will be displayed in the Announces tab.
Add a description if necessary.
Select the announce type: info (just message) or poll (message with a possibility to select variants or type answer).
Select in which way the announcement must be sent via e-mail or to devices.
Set the date of the announcement sending.
Add recipients in the corresponding section.
In the Content section enter data that will be displayed for recipients:
the subject of the announcement;
message content;
if you select a poll type, add poll answers;
for poll type, enable the options of selecting some variants of answer (multi answers) or typing free answer (answer typed by user).
Click the Save button in the left low corner when all required data will be entered.