How does the automatic forwarding feature work?

How does the automatic forwarding feature work?

Link server provides the feature of automatic creation of forward rules for apartment group user/s, sending them to device/s (if some devices are added/deleted the corresponding data will be added/deleted to/from devices), and data correction for device/s (if there are some changes in virtual numbers or logical address). For the feature to work, the corresponding license must be purchased. Let's look closer at how this feature works.

After enabling the feature, the server will gather such parameters of devices like logical address settings, virtual number settings, and forward settings to create a task for transmitting this information to the device. Also, the server creates a task for filling the apartment logical address into the Apartments section of the panel web interface.

When changing any of the previously mentioned device parameters from the server side, they will be automatically on the device side. If there are some earlier created forward rules that overlap with automatically created (new) ones, then these settings will be changed according to the server data. If earlier created rules do not overlap anything, then they will not be changed or deleted. 

The task of sending device settings will be successfully completed if all the previous tasks for this device are completed and the device is successfully connected to the server via MQTT or HTTP. 

Another important requirement for the feature is that full logical addresses (Building-Unit-Floor-Apartment) must be entered for all groups and subgroups with the corresponding devices. The floor can be skipped as this value can be taken from the 4-digit apartment number of the Apartment group type. If at least one of the obligatory parameters for the group is set as custom or missed then this feature will not activate. If the group requirements are not met, you will see the 'The apartment does not have a full logical address for forwarding settings' card in the Forwarding Settings tab of the server web interface.

However, you can add a custom unit lower or upper than 4 basic parameters in the hierarchy of the group. If all conditions are met then logical address settings will be sent to the device depending on group logical addresses.

As an example, let's look at AZ-07L in its group structure: Building - 1, Unit - 2, Floor - 2, Apartment - 3.

After adding the device to the group, the same logical address will be sent to the monitor. As a result, monitor address settings are shown below. 

Virtual numbers settings and values will also be sent to the device automatically. In case when this feature is already enabled and you are adding a new device to the server then a virtual number will be created and sent to the device. This number will be attached to the earliest added to the group user or if there is no user in a group it will be attached to the user who added the device. 

Forwarding rules will also be sent to the devices automatically. This rule consists of an apartment number automatically received from group logical address settings and a recipient SIP number.
For example, the panel will send a rule for the previously mentioned monitor with apartment number 1020003. This apartment number consists of Building No. - 1, 02 - Unit No. - 02, Apartment No. - 0003. The floor number is not taken into account when forming the apartment number, instead, this apartment number may consist of 4 digits.

The recipient virtual number is another number that the server creates automatically and attaches to a group, even the admin can not edit it. This group number will have a forwarding rule on the server side that consists of every mobile user and monitors SIP number. Be aware that apps and monitors must be placed in the same unit as the panel.

When editing users or devices within the group, these forward rules will be automatically updated, so the list of recipients will always be relevant.

Additionally, you can change some device settings manually. In the Device Settings section, you can select:

  • server address (domain, external IP, internal IP);