Bond Settings

Bond Settings

In this tab, you can enable and configure integration with elevators systems via the Wiegand interface.

When the system is configured, the following cases of usage are available:

  • a user opens a door with an identifier - an elevator automatically arrives at the floor where the panel is installed. Then, the elevator takes the user to the floor accessible to their identifier.

  • a user without an identifier calls the required apartment from the entrance panel. When a door is opened from the indoor monitor, an elevator automatically arrives at the floor where the panel is installed. After that, the elevator takes the user to the floor where the monitor (that opened the door) is installed.

During the described scenarios the panel will send to the Wiegand output the code specified for the zone.

To configure these scenarios, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Lift settings section, enable the integration.

You can use either integration with Bond elevators or Wiegand output.

  • Bond Settings-20240216-223735.png
  1. Set the required Wiegand type (the data length shared with the elevator controller).

Lift settings-20240216-221249.png
  1. Click New Zone to make the list of zones (floors) for the building.

  2. In the open window, enter the zone name and any code you want to mark this zone. Your code can consist of only numbers (DEC system) or together with letters from a to f (HEX system).

The minimum code length is 2 bytes, the maximum is 128 bits. Code values in the HEX system must be divided with a hyphen, e.g., a1-d2-c3-23.

  1. Confirm data.

  1. Repeat Steps 3-5 as many times as many zones you need to add.

  2. Click Add relation to link created zones with identifiers and apartments.

  3. Select a zone from the list.

  4. Select the type of data you want to link with the zone and provide the values.

If you select an identifier type, you assign identifiers allowed to access this zone. To add the required identifier, click the Search button and select it.

If you are adding a number type, you must specify the internal number of an indoor video phone (monitor) or apartment to match it with a zone. In this way, you assign where devices and apartments a located. When a user calls from the panel the number of the device or apartment and the door is opened by a responder, a user can access a zone linked with the device or apartment.

To add an internal number of a monitor, you must enter it in the corresponding format:

  • if the entrance panel works in the Individual mode, provide Building No., Unit No., Floor No. and Apartment No. where the monitor is installed. For example, 1020315 is a number to call the apartment No. 15 on the 3rd floor of the 2nd unit in building No. 1.

  • if the entrance panel works in the Wall mode, provide Building No., Unit No., Floor No. and Apartment No. where the monitor is installed. For example, 1020105 is a number to call apartment No. 5 on the 1st floor of the 2nd unit in building No. 1.

  • if the entrance panel works in the Unit mode, provide Apartment No. where the monitor is installed. For example, 15 is the number to call the 15th apartment.

Also, you can configure forwardings for the apartments and the panel redirects calls to other devices or mobile apps. For more details, refer to the Forwarding from the entrance panel to indoor monitors/mobile devices configuration guide.

If you want to link a zone with an apartment that has a forwarding, you must provide the number in the corresponding format:

  • if the entrance panel works in the Individual mode, provide Building No., Unit No., where the panel is installed, and No. of required apartment indicated in the forwarding table (the Forward tab). For example, 1020015, where 1 is a Building No., 02 is a Unit No., and 0015 is the number of apartment indicated in the forwarding table.

  • if the entrance panel works in the Wall mode, provide Building No., Unit No., where the panel is installed, and No. of required apartment indicated in the forwarding table (the Forward tab). For example, 8010215, where 8 is a Building No., 01 is a Unit No., and 0215 is the number of apartment indicated in the forwarding table.

  • if the entrance panel works in the Unit mode, provide a No. of required apartment indicated in the forwarding table (the Forward tab). For example, 0015.

  1. Confirm settings.

  2. Repeat Steps 7-10 as many times as many relations you need to create.

As a result, the elevator system is ready for use.




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